From writing this, I am reprieved..

August 28 2005
New poem. It's sort of depressing, sorry. I'm not in the best of all moods.. but not quite as sad as this poem. I like it though.

Demons with Wings

I dreamt a dream of many things
of angels with horns and demons with wings
of finding any real happiness out of love
of having true faith in what's above.
I dreamt of being able to achieve
all the dreams I had perceived.
In this dream I did believe
that no longer would I be deceived.
From love, by life, I am bereaved
as all my dreams are thieved and cleaved.
But in this dream I was reprieved
from the pains my life had weaved.
As I felt my conciousness retrieved,
a bitter tear flowed as I grieved.
For the reality I wanted real,
for all the feelings I longed to feel,
did not exist, this reality was pain.
Wide awake, I felt disdain
for not being able to sleep until
that dream had become real.
Wide awake, I had a thought
of the reality of the things I sought.
I thought a thought of many things,
of demons with horns and angels with wings.
Of finding nothing but pain out of love
and having nothing but questions for what's above.
I thought myself unable to acheive
all those wonderful things I had perceived,
that had been attainable, I believed.
All the things I had ever dreamed
in this reality are received
only to those who deserve it less
than those of us who do possess
the passion and desire to live
in the dream world that's fictive.
The world where all that we believe
is possible to acheive.
In the end, I believed in many things..
that angels had horns, and demons had wings.
That life hurts, that love may not be worth
all the pain and agony that is put forth.
That in the dreamt world I wished to stay
and just dream this horrid reality away.

-Daniel Austin


September 01 2005
that is sad. but still good.

Kelly Greene

September 06 2005
wow that is a really good poem


September 08 2005
your poems are really amazing

Anthony Myers

September 11 2005

Nelson Lumpkin

October 03 2005
Hey it's that kid that gave you a snap handshake in Mr. Bryant's class


October 04 2005
do yu smoke?


October 04 2005
thats gay

Garrett Haynes

October 04 2005
i couldn't help but notice that u made a group saying that marijuana should be legalized. Read this: Short-term effects of using marijuana include: Sleepiness Difficulty keeping track of time, impaired or reduced short-term memory Reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination, such as driving a car Increased heart rate Potential cardiac dangers for those with preexisting heart disease Bloodshot eyes Dry mouth and throat Decreased social inhibitions Paranoia, hallucinations Impaired or reduced short-term memory Impaired or reduced comprehension Altered motivation and cognition, making the acquisition of new information difficult Paranoia Psychological dependence Impairments in learning, memory, perception, and judgment - difficulty speaking, listening effectively, thinking, retaining knowledge, problem solving, and forming concepts Intense anxiety or panic attacks Long-term effects of using marijuana include: Enhanced cancer risk Decrease in testosterone levels and lower sperm counts for men Increase in testosterone levels for women and increased risk of infertility Diminished or extinguished sexual pleasure Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect STILL THINK IT SHOULD BE LEGALIZED????


October 04 2005
Matthew_the_blue: Yes, yes I do think Marijuana should still be legalized. Let me try and tackle all of what you posted on my site, even though I feel all of it is quite moronic and doesn't even deserve a response. However, I just find it sad that so many people are disillusioned as badly as you are. Stress causes more sleepiness and difficulty remembering times a lot more than marijuana ever has. I've been smoking almost daily for a long time and my grades, my social life, and my future has not been at all changed except in the better. My short term memory loss is only affected when I'm actually high, when I'm sober like I am now, I feel not at all the strain of trying to remember even the smallest of details about any of my days. This is a common misconception born to those who do not smoke in order to get others not to smoke. Kind of funny, actually, that the worst the christian right can come up with for this drug is short-term memory loss. Also, while I agree driving high is not a good idea, I want you to compare how many people have died from driving high to those who drive drunk. You'd be amazed. Alright, and the cardial effects are bull. Although being high does raise the heartbeat, it does so no more than a good workout, and not one person has ever died from a heartattack due to marijuana. In fact, no one has ever died from direct Marijuana usage. Call your local hosptial if you don't believe me. Bloodshot eyes is fixable with a few eyedrops and does not pose any threat your way of living, nor does cotton mouth which can be fixed with a drink, and only lasts during the high. Paranoia only occurs during the high, and is very slight, unlike rumors you've probably heard. As for Hallucinations, that is absoulte bull as well. I have researched Cannibis Sativa more than any man who's ever smoked the plant. Hallicunations have not only never happened, it is also 100% physically impossible to have a hallicunation. Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannibonal, or THC, does not affect the brain in any sort of matter that could cause even the slighest of hallicunations. As for problems learning and working and ambition that you often hear, I see it as the opposite. I'm losing money buying the stuff, so I understand I have to work extra to make up for it. If anything, it gives me inscentive to get through a crappy day, or to work more. And my grades have actually improved since I started smoking and removing the stress out of my life. My grades were always good though, A's and B's, so the change hasn't been great. I'm simply more contented with life. And you don't need more of the drug for the same effect, in fact its the opposite. Anyone who's ever smoked knows that the more you smoke the easier you get high. Now, true indeed that marijuana causes cancer. You face fears of cancer from breathing in any sort of smoke. However, I find it one of the most idiotic things that people like yourself say nothing about cigarettes and alcohol being legal, two substances which have ruined lives and killed far more people than you could imagine, and then strongly oppose a mild drug which, when used responsibly by people who understand the consequences, can simply be a relaxing substance. You can put it down all you like, but the truth is you may think you know a lot because you know how to copy and paste a bunch of bull that you've been told is right about this drug. Lemme tell you the inside scoop there pumpkin, these things you read online, the things you hear from parents, from the media.. 80% is funded by alcoholic and tobacco companies. 18-19% religious orginzations. The last 1% from private orginizations that more than likely depend on either the alcoholic, tobacco, or religious ones. So you can go ahead and go off and call me a stoner, say that dumb kid's a pothead.. when in reality, you're the one who's being laughed at. You're just fine with alcohol and tobacco companies reaping in money for creating corpses, but you deny the use of a drug that has not killed one person EVER? That sounds ridiculous to me. -Daniel [05:44 pm]


October 04 2005
I wanted to post that on my site for everyone else to read.

Stephanie Lentz

October 04 2005
daniel that was beautiful im crying

Garrett Haynes

October 04 2005
When did i ever say that I didn't have a problem with legal tobacco or alcohol? Where at? Could you show me please? Done looking? Good. I'm a believer of the bible, and in it it says that your body is the temple of the Lord. That means that we shouldn't smoke it up with garbage like marijuana...or any kind of tobacco for that matter. I think marijuana is just as stupid as smoking a regular cigarette. And I am sure there have been people that were killed from the long terms effects of it...b/c it gives you CANCER just like any other tobacco substance does from long-term usage. But anyway, I really don't see the point in arguing with you over the internet. It's pointless, and your not going to be persuaded one way or the other. And for that matter neither am I, b/c nothing that you say is going to make me think that marijuana should be legalized. Good day.


October 06 2005
My thoughts in this situation probley don't matter but i can write them anyways and i'm sure they can always be deleted. Although i myself do not believe that pot should be legal, you might want to know that technically it is. If you have certain types of cancer, they do allow you or rather prescribe you to smoke marijuana 3-4 times a day. If you've ever watched Stepmom, they ain't makin that crap up. Of course if you get cancer from smoking the marijuana, then your screwed. Some things in ya'lls arguments above do annoy me very much though. Such as " Hallucinations, that is absoulte bull" no it's not. My friend thought she could fly, jumped off a bridge and lucky there was water underneath. And " I'm a believer of the bible, and in it it says that your body is the temple of the Lord.", yes that is what it says and i am a believer also, but you also must remember that to a non-believer, they don't care. I am sorry to say but you attacked this issue in the wrong way. I say this not knowing daniels religious beliefs if any. We are supposed to be examples of the Lord in which we serve and i'm pretty sure if you looked it up, Jesus did not attack people who had beliefs other then His.


October 07 2005
As a backwards thought in my mind for Matthew_the_blue, your poetry amazes me. In an odd way it also inspires me and so yet again i attempt to work out my anger through the peoms i write. I think they turn out much better when i'm frustrated with something.