It Takes Two to Tango.

July 26 2006

So I've been invited out salsa dancing tomorrow night.

Problem is, I need someone to go with.  So I'm spamming all my little online journal-thingies with a similar invite.  Any takers?  No experience necessary; we can learn together.  :)

And, uh, I'll get the necessary information like time and location tomorrow, when my contact touches base.


July 27 2006
i love salsa dancing. it's awesome. but unfortunately i'll be in alabama. but tell me where it is and when cause a friend and i have been wanting to go all summer but havent known where to go. hope you have fun. if you cant find anyone, you could just pick up a guy there. that would be interesting. or girl, your choice.


July 27 2006
i'm up for it, if my schedule's free. just give me a call.

Sara Shaban

July 27 2006
now if i remember correctly...we wanted to learn salsa...

the brian king kenobi

July 27 2006
perhaps . . .