John Dunahoo


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a worshipful heart

March 28 2006
I once heard a story where a worship leader heard a sound that blew him away. It was during a large worship celebration: one song had just ended… The instruments died out, the crowd grew silent. Suddenly the only noise in the place was a loud, out of tune groan coming from the front row. He looked for the source of the sound and saw a woman with tears streaming down her face, her arms stretched out to heaven, just pouring her heart out to God. This worshipper was deaf and had no idea that the rest of us had stopped singing and were now looking at her. She was just going for it, expressing an uncontainable passion for Jesus, which echoed around the meeting place.

To be honest, it was not the most musical sound he ever heard. But strangely, it was among the most beautiful: they were listening to the sound of her heart. A few seconds later, her friend nudged her in the side and she stopped. That moment has remained burned on my memory because it reminded him of a principle that is core to our theology of worship: God listens to the sound of the heart.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Prov 4:23).

To God, the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart: God looks at our hearts (1 Sam 16:7), searching us (Jer 17:10), probing and testing every motive and attitude. He knows what’s going on in them (Luke 16:15), has set eternity in them (Ecc 3:11) and created them as the place of interface with him.

There is good reason for this: whatever has our heart’s affection instantly has our worship (Matt 6:21). The common understanding in both the Old and New Testaments was that the ‘heart’ was the control centre of a person’s being: all yours mind, ideas, thoughts, motives and decisions flowed from here. It is with our hearts that we look for God (Deut 4:29), love God (Deut 6:5), serve God (Josh 22:5), meditate on him (Ps 19:14), hang onto his word (Ps 119:11), trust in him (Pr 3:5), do the will of God (Eph 6:6), love others (1 Pet 1:22) and pour out our worship to God (Ps 62:8).


March 28 2006
that's awesome. I love the fellowship part of church and the sermon part of church, but praise and worship is my favorite part. when i lift my hands i feel like i'm touching Him, and when i sing i know he's right there, listening. it feels so good.