Good cow.

November 01 2006
Gah! I cant believe that writers of LOST did actually killed who it was hinted they would, ___ ___. I am upset and excited, lol

Sarah Vermillion

November 02 2006
I haven't been following the new season! *sob*

the brian king kenobi

November 02 2006
. . . i forgot to watch, again. oops. lol.

the brian king kenobi

November 08 2006
voting honestly doesn't always mean voting correctly or constitutionally, lol. sometimes there are bigger things at stake than personal views.

Nathan Moore

November 08 2006
did you watch tonight? didja? now we have to wait until Feb... not fun.

the brian king kenobi

November 09 2006
but if our vote is our responsibility to the state, and we have to give our utmost wherever it's due (give to caesar what is caesar's, etc), then isn't the christian duty in this case to fulfill constitutional obligations?

the brian king kenobi

November 09 2006
i do believe we are just going to keep disagreeing here, lol. a pointless topic, perhaps, but fun. :)