
August 02 2005
reading about nathan and rachel's date totally gives me the warm fuzzies. (congrats guys, it is awesome to be able to date your best friend!!) chad and i met in college at a time in my life when God was doing some awesome things in my heart. before i met chad, i made a commitment to the Lord that i wouldn't kiss another guy until my wedding day. i know this sounds totally crazy and totally lame, but i truely felt God prompting me to this decision. I knew His judgement was way better than mine. all i had to do was look at my track record with relationships, and know i obviously didn't have a clue what i was doing. i was so excited when chad asked me out, but then almost immediately nervous. i knew i had to tell this really cool guy about my commitment to the Lord. God is so awesome, and long story short, chad totally supported me in my commitment. God is so good, and works all things out for the best when we give up control. i am so happy to tell you that chad and i dated and were engaged for a total of about 2 years, and we didn't kiss until our wedding. It was one of the coolest accomplishments that God has done in my life. It was all HIM!! I give Him all praise and glory. He has given us such an awesome story. Taking the physical aspect out of a dating relationship leaves lots of time for communication and truely learning about the other person. just something to think about.

Nathan Moore

August 02 2005
awesome. before we even talked about it, rachael and i both felt like we needed to do the same thing... to not kiss anyone until we got married. when we discussed this and realized that we both felt the same, it was even more confirmation that we were supposed to be together. awesome.


August 02 2005
That's funny, I just told Nathan that his date story reminded me of our story, and that I needed to type it all out. I guess you beat me to it. One thing she left out is that I felt like God wanted me to tell her how special she was to me already, and I didn't want to just casually date her...ON OUR FIRST DATE! So we sat down, and I told her all that, then she told me about the no kissing thing, which I thought was a good idea (it had to be if it came from God). Plus, what could I do but honor her commitment after I had just told her how special she was to me on the first date?


August 02 2005
That's funny, I just told Nathan that his date story reminded me of our story, and that I needed to type it all out. I guess you beat me to it. One thing she left out is that I felt like God wanted me to tell her how special she was to me already, and I didn't want to just casually date her...ON OUR FIRST DATE! So we sat down, and I told her all that, then she told me about the no kissing thing, which I thought was a good idea (it had to be if it came from God). Plus, what could I do but honor her commitment after I had just told her how special she was to me on the first date?


August 03 2005
oops, stupid reload button.


August 04 2005
Hey. I don't know you but I stumbled across your phusebox and read your post. Your story is so awesome and it is such an encouragement to read about other people who have actually seriously given their relationships 110% over to God and to see how things really do have happy endings when God is in control as oppsed to ourselves. Anyways, thats awesome and I am glad I got to read it :)

Rachael Moore

August 05 2005
hey! nathan told me to read your post and it is so encouraging to me! i love to hear how God works in relationships. he is so faithful! i hope you have a great day!