Shelby Craig


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Gibbs High School


Religion, Music, Disc Golf

Disastrous Beauty

September 04 2005
Outdoor beauty!! It blows me away to see God at work in the design of our universe. How faithful the sun is every morning, gives me chills. How committed to moon is to give way to the sun, brings me trust. The effects of wind. The growing process of plants, trees, and insects. Have you ever stopped and just paid attention to how busy the bugs are under your feet?? There is a whole world under there.

Then after looking at the beauty of my world, i see the destruction of others. Katrina, God made, God Design. When the Tsunami happened I asked myself this question and I do now. Did God send this storm to get rid of the sinful acts in the towns that were wiped out? I mean, God sent a flood to get rid of all the sin in the world, why wouldn't he do that again? Is he trying to send a wake up call to the world and say WAKE UP!! I am still God!!

I also look at this and realize how close the end of times are. Jesus says that there will be great natural disasters and people will become greedy; stealing and only thinking of themselves. Yet, that is present on our televisions everyday.

I am not always sure of God's plan and I don't think I want to be. If I know what he is going to do next, then that strips away every ounce of faith and trust that I gave Him when i surrendered to His love. I will continue to pray and seek God's face and ask him to reveal himself to me in all that he does. And trust him through it all.


September 04 2005
Yeah I've been thinking along those lines recently as well...