Shelby Craig


Relationship Status



Gibbs High School


Religion, Music, Disc Golf

A Terrible Event

November 04 2005
If you don't know, I am a youth pastor at Rock Springs Church in Smyrna, TN and we meet at LaVergne High School.  This past wed. night we were going to having a huge event.  We had the band Clemency come out and we were giving away a video iPod and tons of other things.

Well, we arrive at the school to start to set up.  Clemency comes with their huge truck and trailer.  And we goto the front door to be met by two cops, custodial staff and the administration to tell us that we can no longer meet there on Wednesday nights.  So after a huge tuffle and intense fellowship (arguing) we couldn't meet there. 

We ended up turning away around 100 students, which looks bad on our church, and had to send Celemency back to Brentwood and call little Caesers and tell them we would not be picking up the 100 pizzas we order.

God has things happen for a reason.  I just wish he would hav told me that was going to happen before putting three month of planning and promotions into it.

Lindsay Michelle

November 04 2005
shelby...really sorry your youth thing didn't happen....i'll keep you and the wifey in my prayers!


November 04 2005
Hey man. wow that just sucks. i'm not going to say any of the "its ok just trust in God" saying b/c you know all of that. but to me its encouraging to hear you still say that it was God in control. push on brother and i will be praying for you