When I was young, you were the only fun in town.

September 07 2005
I've decided that my new goal in life is to have an account on every inane teenage networking site.

So far, I have:

*a Xanga
*a few Livejournals
*Phusebox, obviously.

And possibly more that I'm forgetting.
Other than Facebook, what's left now?

When I signed up for Hi5, I put in my old yahoo address book to see if anyone I used to know was on there, and my best friend from 6th grade has an account there.

I'm not sure if I'm going to bother contacting her, though, as I think she might use internet slang.
And that would kill me.

Also, I found out today that they've made a Harry Potter iPod.

I love Harry as much as anyone, but seriously. It's just a twenty gig iPod with the Hogwarts crest on the back.


Nathan Moore

September 08 2005
I agree. the Harry Potter iPod is lame. Anyways, Welcome to PhuseBox. Let me know if you run into any problems on the site.


September 26 2005
You like magnetic fields...this means I have to kill you...sorry...nothing personal.