Lunch in Central Park

August 26 2005
So today, a few of us from the office decided to go to Central Park for lunch. The weather was PERF (as Meredith would say). We found a huge rock and sat and enjoyed our food whilst attempting to feed the birds by hand. Let me tell you, birds are scared of 6 ft. 4 inch Nathan whether they are from or not. Needless to say, I did not feed the birds by hand...
Now for photos...

people on a rock. they are cool people. but not as cool as that rock!

ok. so Maria thinks this growth on this tree looks like a dog. what do you think? i think it looks like the tree has a tumor!

this is me after i conquered the rock.

mer. when she talks, all her words are cut in half.

me and my favorite maria.

end photo transmission.

ok. So lunch in Central Park was great, and just so you know, I still miss everyone in Murfreesboro... don't think that lunch in Central Park has stolen my heart. Have a great day!


elizabeth duncan

August 26 2005
and murfreesboro people miss you, too...

Garreth \"Karate Explosion\" Blackwell

August 26 2005
i think the tumor looks like a hippo face. not a dog. i'm right; maria's wrong. the end.


August 26 2005
Ha ha looks like fun. I don't know what to think of the tree tumor...


August 26 2005
aww, i miss you guys a lot! and i miss mere's half words!

Carrie McComas

August 26 2005
Okay, I don't know what kind of dogs Maria grew up around, but that doesn't look like any dog I've ever seen...One more vote for tree tumor!


August 26 2005
nathan moore, i really hope that the new and improved phusebox lets you do 'private posts' or 'drafts' because i just wrote a super long post venting about something then delted it because i didn't want everyone to see it. having these features would have made this problem much easier for people like me who type blog posts when they get angry. just a suggestion :) oh yeah and yay for central park...