North Texas State Fair

September 18 2005
So a few weeks ago, we went with some friends to the North Texas State Fair in Denton, TX. Now this isn't the State Fair if Texas. That's in Dallas, and is huge. No, this one was more like a cross between one of those scary carnivals in the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly, a livestock auction, and a farm equipment sales convention. Don't get me wrong, it was fun and all, but I think that was due to being there with our friends. So here's some pictures from the day, so you can taste a little bit of Texas.

Of course, there was livestock, such as pigs and goats. pig:

Fascinating, huh. Then there was the petting zoo. Quite an assortment of animals here. How about... a wooly sheep
a baby deer:
a duck with toupe:
and a camel that you couldn't pet:

Then the animal show... I don't really know what this is:
kangaroo in a diaper:
baby tiger:
one eyed monkey:

And finally, Carney town (small hands)... sad little girl riding all by herself,
we had to point and laugh:
our friends' kids riding the drug
trip pink elephants from dumbo:
Brian's posing so I can
get a picture of the mullet
carney behind him:
I think this picture
speaks for itself:
is it just me, or do those
horses look possessed?:
now that's an action shot:

Oh, I almost forgot, we met a celebrity: The Elsie the Cow:
Me &
The Elsie the Cow:
Brian, Bekah &
The Elsie the Cow:

So that was our exciting day at the fair. I hope that you could grasp a tiny bit of the excitment through my recounting of the days events.



September 20 2005
wow, chad that is......something.