Lauren Luna
Houston High School
University of Mississippi
God, music, knowledge, reading, being passionate about something
Favorite Music
Damien Rice, Travis, The Ramones, Matt Wertz, The Shins
Favorite Movies
Coach Carter, City of God (b/c I've been really)
Favorite Books
Bible, The Screwtape Letters, The DaVinci Code
Titles are Stupid
September 11 2005
Lately, I have been overly frustrated with certain areas of my life and certain things I am involved in. This weekend I really had the opportunity to have some quality alone time, and really address those issues. I realized that just because I have frustrations towards different things, doesn't mean that I should just abandon it. I mean i would not have continued coming back in the first place. I think these areas that I am frustrated in could be excellent areas for me to serve and pour my heart into. I mean if there is a problem I should do everything I can to address it and better the situation before completely leaving. Seeking God in things may mean doing things that I don't necessarily want to, but doing them with a willingful, servant heart can be very benefical. So I am sure this probably makes no sense, because I am not an English person, but hey that is ok because it's me.
September 18 2005
i know what you mean. something i struggle with is reminding myself of the things that i absolutely know that God has called me to and, sometimes more importantly, from. if i continually remind myself of those things, then when the times get hard, it will be easier for me to discern what i already know God has taught me. it's encouraging to see someone not giving up on something in a challenging time; our world isn't always that persevering. i mean, check out the divorce rate. keep on keepin on; God will be faithful to bless your obedience.