
September 03 2005
First, let me start off by saying that I studied for 7 hours straight today! Hello, first of all that is more than I have studied for my finals in the past, and this is what the 3 week of school. This semester is going to rock! Not so much. Anyways, while I was studying, of course my add mind was wandering all over the place, I began to think about where I would like to move after I graduate. See right now I am loving my singleness I guess. I would say I more like the idea that I have the ability to make my own decisions 100 percent on my own terms. I am not having to think of someone else and what effects it might have on a relationship. This kind of excites me, strangely. So I have been thinking maybe California for a start. It is totally different from here, which is a major plus. Then, probably northeastern area for grad school (prob Manhatten or Boston). Anyways, today it was nice to realize that I can go to any of these places, and I only have to think of me. This is totally selfish, I know. Do not tell me this, I obviously realize, but I mean think about it; it is kinda cool. Time to rest for an awesome day tomorrow!