Lindsey Bankston


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


December 08 2005

~ Never think that you know who your friends are, and that they are honest. When I think of friendship, for some reason or other, I automatically correlate trust with the word. Is that not accurate? Am I somehow off the mark here? I don't think so. I won't go into detail too much with names and all, but I'll say that some that are leaving this semester from BPC are going on a sour note with me and I am very disappointed and hurt by them. Some things I found out today that I have been lied to about have not only upset me but also someone that I consider to be my best friend. It's not so much what the lie was, even though it did affect my best friend, as much as in that it was a lie. I don't tolerate lying. I give up on people and don't give second chances with lying. If you're my friend, you don't lie to me. Period, that's it. ~

Nathan Moore

December 08 2005
Hey Lindsey. Welcome to PhuseBox. Let me know if you run into any problems or have any suggestions for the site. Enjoy!


December 08 2005
Hun, I love you. I'm sorry we don't spend much time together. Thank you for being concerned about me. I'm still depressed, but hopefully it will get better. I'm going with my Mommy tomorrow.


December 10 2005
im from vidalia too..
