what stupid thing did chelsea do just recently?

October 20 2005

well lets c, i was coming home from school in my mom's jeep, and its weird yes i kno, but my hair sheds a lot, dono y, it just duz, neways, my mom is always telling me to not put it all in her jeep but to just simply role down the window and let it outside, so i had just brushed my hair and i was gona do wat she sed, such a good grl, i kno, neways, so i was thinking tha i was rolling down the window, by u kno, pressing the lil button down, but i seriously don even kno wat i was thinking but i opened the door, on the middle of the watterson express way! stupid me, except it didn't like fly open, b/c i realized that i was opening it wen i did it, so i kept it shut until we approached the stoplight, but i was just histarically laughing the whole time, b/c i reeli dono wat was goin thru my head, i guess i was just retarted haha, neways, thas me for u, blonde i guess, thas wat they tell me at least, w/e i don believe them, im not tha stupid, haha, rriiiiiiiiiite, luvu

~ *chels* ~


October 20 2005
lol when i was little i used to open the door too but i was four lol


October 20 2005
lol..that made me laugh...i do stupid stuff like that all the time...lol


October 25 2005
I'm just good like that. I saw that star and was like "hey, I should click on that." So I did. It had nothing to do with Steve Mize telling me to.