
November 03 2005
The adventures of living with an extremely ignorant conservative have gotten me thinking a lot about my sociopolitical ideology. Personally, I'm extremely liberal, but I tend to accept opinions. The one thing I've noticed about most of the conservatives I've dealt with (or "South Park Republicans," as they enjoy proclaiming themselves) is that they tend to argue that facts are "opinions," often saying that "well, they haven't really proven anything," even about the most blatant of factual information. On the flipside of this same coin, they regard their own opinions as absolute, unalterable fact.

Ah, ignorance. Isn't it lovely?

Not to say that all conservatives are ignorant; in fact, I've met several who actually do have funcitonal opinions and relatively open minds. It's just that there's a very large population of idiots who take the ideas and run with them. The same can be said for either end of the political spectrum.

OK, rant done. Go home!
