Verily I say, unto you dudes.

November 03 2005
Well, hidey ho.

This is officially my umpteenth new blog.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that I defined umpteenth simply by creating this many damn blogs.  I figured that since this community is fairly new and small, it'll be nice to have a sort of quasi-private, but still massively attention getting web space.

Plus, Kelly made me do it. :)

Perhaps I'll make something out of this blog, as opposed to all of the others that I've abandoned for one reason or another.  My Opera blog is sort of on hiatus until they FIX THE DAMN INTERFACE. Opera.  Oh, irony, why do you taunt me so?  This one doesn't seem to work in Opera either, but it's ok in Firefox, so I guess I can live with that temporarily.

And now, a list of random thoughts:

  • There is a 19" LCD monitor sitting on the desk next to me with no computer attached.  How sad.

  • Some guy is fixing a laptop behind me.  He's using one of those anti-static pads to prevent shocks.  Hah newb.

  • I'm in a computer lab.  Go figure.

  • I have an advisor meeting in exactly 14 minutes.

  • I'm a Marketing major now.  I rule you.

  • I can't wait until the next volume of Legal Drug comes out.  Does that make me gay?

  • Is it really as easy as Dell?

Alright.  It's been a good, strong, first entry.  I can end it now with a feeling of satisfaction.  Bye.

Kelly the Destroyer

November 03 2005
Here are a few things. x - I am glad you posted x - I want to borrow the legal drug series x - It might make you gay. x - I'll tell you if you are gay when I read it. x - I'm easier than a Dell. x - YOU'RE A MARKETING MAJOR? x - WHAT THE EFFING HELL x - BUSINESS? x - WHY NOT JUST SELL YOUR SOUL!
