Grocery shopping takes an hour and a half, and yes, I pretend that my stick is a wand...

July 13 2005
So, last night, Amanda told her dad that she was going to the grocery store to get some food beause she had the munchies. Well, she was really going to come here for a few minuites and then go, but, she ended up staying for an hour and ten minuites because we were having so much fun. So, I'm like, "okay Amanda, I don't want you to get in trouble, so, you have to go!" So, she left, went to the store, got some Jello and Oreo's, and went home. When she got there her dad didn't say anything, so, we are thinking that he didn't care.

Wich reminds me...

Amanda told her dad about me, and he hates me already. He doesen't even want to meet me, wich I guess is ok because everyone says he is uber (sp) scary.

In other news, I put in my two weeks notice. I have to quit because of band. YAY FOR BAND!!! I told my boss that after band season, I'd be interested in my old job, but that was a lie. I am so freakin out of there!

Speaking of band, it starts hella soon. Pre-camp starts in two and a half weeks. Yay! Band is so much fun. But I really need to practice again. I should already have my music memorized, but, I don't.

Hehe, I am such a dork. I am so going to the midnight release of the new Harry Potter book!!!!! LOL! It's going to be Amanda, Kelly Jo, my sista and me... and maybe one or two of my sista's man whores.

Anyway, I gotta go and get ready for work, so, I'm gonna let you kids go.


Stephanie Levine

July 13 2005
eh, band?

Rachel Tenpenny

July 13 2005
i dont have man ho's!!! geez!

Morgan Taylor

July 13 2005
hah i thought about going to the book release but i cant really think of anyone that'd either want to go or could. which one are you going to? i know there's one at hasting's, but there could be more, i dont really know


July 13 2005
yup, grocery shopping does take an hour and a half....


July 13 2005
I have a pic of a sticker that says "It's All Good" on my phusebox and it reminded me of you and Manda. LOL!!!

Sara Shaban

July 13 2005
hey remember me?