Very Random Ramblings

May 03 2006

The only thing worse than having dial-up Internt is not having Internet at all. BellSouth cut my family off early, but on Friday we will have Comcast Internet. And the angels will sing, and it will be a day of bliss. But yay for Internt at MTSU so I don't feel completely disconnected.

I totally rocked on my EMC final, at least I think I did. I felt pretty good about it. I think I have an A in that class. So the only class I'm really concerned about is history. But realy, if I get a B in there, who cares? One B in two semesters is an accomplishment. No one expects me to be perfect except for me, and that's just silly.

Thanks so much for those who expressed interest in my video. I will give y'all more info soon, and if anyone else wants to help I can definitely use extras. I've got the main roles covered though. I want to start next week possibly, but we'll see how that goes.

I get to go to Destin the week after next! I can hardly wait! I really need this kind of vacation after this semester... and year...

I'm sick of all the illegal immigration stuff...

Ok, I ought to study for history now so I won't bomb the final tomorrow...

Jessica Goss

May 03 2006
You + Me = Hanging out soon.


May 04 2006
Destin is going to be an AMAZING get away. Yay. How did ur history final go?

Jessica Goss

May 04 2006
Yeah, I feel stupid becasue right after I posted that I figured it out. Ha. When i was on "My Groups" or whatever, that part wasn't showing up and then after i posted that, and went back to look again, I was like "Ugh! I'm stupid!"


May 05 2006
okay, we're visiting the school next friday right? Just making sure I just totally forogt the day you mentioned. I hope I didn't forget... :( Anyways, yes we definitely need to see Mrs. Reynolds and I'd like to see Dr. White and Mrs. Lewis. okay, that's all :) Hope you have a great rest of the weekend. yay for being done with Freshman year!!


May 05 2006
oh man me too! iLOOOOOOVE birthdays.. theyre so much fun becuase its your own special day you know? .. but some people are party poopers & can never understand why i get so excited about birthdays.. haha but this one is extra special.. sweet 16! yay!


May 05 2006

Ashley Orman

May 08 2006
im takin english lit 2030. cuz i need it to take english 3000 this fall which i have to have to get into any upper division english courses.

Ashley Orman

May 08 2006
i have Dubek for 3000 and i have Kates for 2030. dont worry i mtsureviewed them b4 i chose lol

Ashley Orman

May 08 2006
coolness well im off to the showers, ttyl. have a wonderful day!