Toby Mac In the Rain!!!

July 06 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

The Toby Mac concert was a lot of fun. I went with Anna and Patrick and we met up with Amy B., Aimee, Rachel B., Robin, Jason, and Alex. We had a blast! Anna and I screamed and jumped around when Toby started singing "Jesus Freak"... we were so afraid he wouldn't sing it! The people in front of us looked at us like we were nuts! Ha ha! It started getting real fun when it started sprinkling! I enjoyed the rain but I was glad it didn't start pouring.

Church tonight and then we get to go eat Mexican... yum... I'm hungry just thinking about it...


July 06 2005
i wanna eat mexican:-(


July 06 2005
i wanted to go...why didn't yall call me?


July 06 2005
dude, i totally wish i could've gone. . . stupid job!

Anna Miller

July 06 2005
fun times. i think i'll be there tonight.


July 06 2005
it was great! lol


July 06 2005
aww! i LOVE toby mac & mexican food.. yuuuummmmmmmy


July 06 2005
woooo hooo!! we had fun!!!