Prepared Like a Boy Scout...

April 18 2006

So I remember an instance from elementary school when the lights went out. In a twist of fate, however, one of my classmates had randomly felt like she should pack her flashlight that day. So we had a flashlight in class while the lights were out!

Flash forward to yesterday. I randomly felt compelled to put my iTrip in my purse, thinking that I should store it in my car in case I ever want to listen to my iPod while driving. I mean, that is why I had gotten the thing. So, I put it in my purse and what do you know, EMC class rolls around and a guy asks a question about if the FCC has to approve the FM transmitters that people use with their iPods. Dr. O'Neal said that something about FCC approval should be on there. Wow, I realized, I had my iTrip in my purse! So I took it out and looked at it, and low and behold, there is a FCC ID on the sucker. Wow. Now you know!

It's really cool how our seemingly random actions and the timing of everything we do is planned out by God. Have you ever thought of that? In fact, this morning I was driving to school and at a certain spot it was backed up. It was a wreck scene they were trying to clean up and part of me wondered if I had been there a few minutes sooner, could that have been me? And I don't mean that to sound paranoid, but thigns like that sometimes really get me to thinking...

God always knows what we need, and He provides. And that's really awesome. This is something I am really trying to live by the semester winds up here and I'm starting to feel the pressure of final grades and the impact they will have in some of classes (because I have a borderline A/B in a few of them). God knows all though, and that's comforting to me.