Sixth Graders and Off-Brand M&Ms

June 30 2005
So VBS was more fun today, however, after an unfortunate mistake, I have decided that if I ever do this again, I'm working with 2nd graders!

Here's my story: so Clint and Trevor are talking about some dancer that was popular in 1990 and so I pondered aloud, "Wow, I was four." Then this litte runt of a 6th grade boy looks at me and asks: "You were four in 1990?!" And I was like: "Yeah, I guess y'all weren't even born yet." And then he looks at me and he's like: "How old are you?" I proceed to tell this obvioulsy blind 12 year old that I am 18 and then he's like, "Oh, I thought you were one of us." WHAT?!

First off, Clint specifically told the children yesterday that I was helping out and that I was about to go to MTSU, and the kid was there yesterday. Secondly, since when do I look like a 12 year old?! Oh brother... I figure if I work with 2nd graders, there'll be no mistakes! I just thought 6 years would be a big enough difference.

Anyhow, aside from that, things were good this morning. My favorite part was snack time because we all get to sit in a big circle and talk while eating off-brand M&Ms that didn't taste too great.

Anyhow, so Laser Tag was fun. I got 13th once and 14th the second time (out of 28) which isn't great but it's good for me. Lauren... I loved talking to you at the mall! Amy... I'm pretty sure I'm going to Paint the Town! I'm excited...

Thanks Nathan for the 24 remarks yesterday! I wasn't too terribly disapointed... ha ha.

Random VBS quotes from various children:
"Mr. Clint..."
"Yo, I have dreadlocks and a tripped-out Cadillac." (or something like that...)
And Trevor:
"Stop that piano playing! There aren't any pianos in Yellowstone!" *kid stops playing piano* "Now, listen to the sounds of nature."
Quick convo with Lindsey Kittel:
"How are you?"
"Worn out. I'm working with four year olds."
"Yeah, that would do it!"

*EDIT* If anyone wants to go bowling tonight you can call Garrett or Graham or me for details.


June 30 2005
Are you doing that Rambling Roadtrip thing? Those songs... so annoying... If you're watching the guy sing the songs... he doesn't really know the words. Watch him. You'll see.

Rachael Moore

June 30 2005
paint the town! whoo hoo!


June 30 2005
Oh, do you not also have the Lifeway guy video stuff singing? Ah, we did at New Vision. It cracked me up, because he didn't know the words. And yes, Garrett is very sweet. You're a very lucky girl.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 30 2005
4 year olds like Jungle Gyms.

Anna Miller

June 30 2005
most 6th graders don't pay attention to a lot of things anyway.


June 30 2005
i think i might go bowling with yall...i'm not sure though

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

June 30 2005
I won't be able to go to Paint the Town. God wants me elsewhere, I think. But, listen, stay away from rickety, old, poorly supported, metal bridges!!! I had a seriously bad dream about my friends and a mission trip and a wreck. Most likely just a fear thing going on with my subconscious, but still. I'm not worried, because you're in His hands.