Debate Camp...

June 25 2007
So debate camp is in 12 days...and I dunno if I should be excited or not lol...well no I am let all yall know (for those of you who don't know) I am part of a speech and debate competetive league which has it's ups and downs. At an actual competetion which we call tounaments I get to debate and the resolution of the year is "Resloved: That the United States of America ought to more highly value isolationism"  OH BOY! I have been thinking that no we shouldn't value isolationism higher, and heres why. Isolationism means a nonparticipation in international, economic, and political relations. Meaning that each country should take care of their own issues and not get involved with other countries. But I propose a different idea what if however, we, America, try to help other countries, after all we are considered the most powerful country out there, which if we help other countries we could form allies...which would lead to a decrees of war, and complications, and thus would increes world wide safety and protection. BUT if however, we decided to uphold isolationism...our government believes that isolationism is the key to world peace, but I strongly disagree. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE comments on this what do yall think about isolationism?


June 28 2007
Interesting...I think you have a good point. Though, I think that in some issues we shouldn't get involved but that is only natural. We can't run other countries but we can def. help them. I bet that didn't make any sense. : ^ \