

Surprise Me

August 22 2005
You surprise me
Sometimes life slows down
Then spins out of control
I try to get my barings
Try to find you in the mess
I run after my own tail
Then sit very still
Sometimes with no relief
But then you when I think I’m done
You surprise me
Your touch
Gentle and kind
You smile my way
Letting me know you never left my side
You were there the whole time
I needed only to open my eyes
Your breath on me
Smells so sweet
Your eyes reveal a love so intense
SO pure
How could I have ever not seen it
Not felt it
A truth never gone
You pursue me
Even when my blindness overwhelms
Oh how sweet you are
Your love so intense
So pure
So Devoted
May I never forget
Just who you are
And what you’ll do to find my love

