
July 28 2005
yea, so today i...mowed my lawn, and mowed our neighbors lawn, emptyed out the frige, washed all the dishes..swept...moped....and exercized...im kinda tired, but id rather be sore now, then exosted and sore and camp...

so donalds comin over tommorow, were gona hit up the ul once again..and what ever else we feel like, dont be surprized if its your house. jk...yes but anyway...iv got 75 left, so ill see ....everyone...later?


Sarah Vermillion

July 28 2005
Wow, busybusy day!

Virginia Moss

July 28 2005
eventful day! you look like a pretty cute kid; and a fun one at that.

Stephanie Levine

July 29 2005
maybe late at night at the doll factory