Easter weekend...

April 17 2006

Well the weekend was wonderful. Not only was it Easter weekend, but it was also the start of the 2006 Coaster Season for me.

Friday morning I got up and took off to Six Flags back home to get my season pass. After getting my picture taken and all the other stuff taken care of I decided to head in the park by myself just so I could get a ride on this new behemuth they have there.

And what a ride it was...I've been on taller, I've been on faster, heck I've even been on longer but some how this coaster made my Top 10 List. Goliath is an amazing ride from start to finish: the lift hill is excitingly steep and gives you the sensation of being tilted upward for liftoff. And that first hill actually got my stomach going even though it was only 200 ft. But the most exciting thing about the whole ride experience was what we Coaster-nuts call "Airtime". After every hill, and I mean every hill; the back of the train gets the best airtime I've ever experienced. Since the thing never really slows down, I was lifted out of my seat after every hill at speeds close to 70 m.p.h. It's so exciting that a coaster like that lives just 6 miles from my house back home.

Well after I snuck on and got my fix, I headed over to the ride that has been my favorite since I was 7: "The Great American Scream Machine". I had a blast just being taken away by the multiple hills with the wind on my face and holding on for dear life because I'm either getting older or something; the ride just seems a little rougher these days. After that I headed back home with another season upon the horizon finally reached on the highway of hills and thrills.

Mysti came up for the weekend and we had a blast. Spent saturday at my Grandparent's farm shooting snapping turtles in the pond with the .22. Showed her all the horse buggies and classic cars in the barn and just had fun showing her where it is my "country" side comes from.

Well, I'm back to homework with only 3 weeks of school left. Looking forward to the break, I've got Disney World and Oregon in my sights for May....