I need a road trip

January 29 2006

I need a trip. Now, spring is coming but I need a "Joey" trip. I used to get one of these about once a month when I would head home to visit mom and everyone else but since I have no car its kind of difficult these days. And I'm never alone in this apartment now. Never. I used to be able to hide away in the dorm or atleast last semester Billy would go out and I could come up with some excuse not to go so I could sit here and a few thoughts to myself. I need that.

If I don't stop and analyze by life every once in a while, it begins to pass me by without even me getting the chance to notice. Scary. So I need a trip. I think I will come up with some excuse to go home and still the roommates car for the weekend and drive somewhere south. Maybe.

I mean don't get me wrong, I love people. But at times, people can be too much. Because I like me, I like me a whole lot. And sometimes I like to keep myself well, to myself. Does that sound weird to most? I think I'm starting to miss my life a little. And atleast on my little roadtrips I got to be that Joey that I so long to be. And here, it feels like he's having to hide away and the Joey that does homework and is responsible cannot be lost. Where ever you are Joey, come find me real soon. We'll have to do something together...