Where's the Kid when you need him?

October 31 2005

   Today was kind of rough, I've been worrying so much about my girlfriend and mine's relationship lately its really an emotional hazard. I'm been pretty pissed off all day because of some little things she's done over the last week or so. And then on the way back to Kroger, The Kid took over again...

  For all of you out there, the Kid is my alter ego. Really, a super ego. He's my version of Superman and Jimmy Buffett mixed into one meaning that he is unstoppable by normal measures yet longs to be chilled and relaxing in the Carribean.  He is The Kid. Now the name was given to me by my fellow coworkers back home in Atlanta since I was the youngest employee by about a decade. Anyways the name is not important.  He is everything I want to be, and when I get caught up in the nonsense of this little world he is my relief. The Kid has no cares except where's the closest Margarita and hammock.

  So, as I was coming home from a little grocery shopping some Buffett came on and I begin giving myself one of those peptalks from The Kid. "What are you getting upset about? Is your life really that bad? No girl can control you like that...you run the show...." Now whether I actually run the "show" or not is debatable but the talk worked. Whatever she wants to do back home in Athens is her deal. I can't change what she thinks is right or wrong to do in a relationship so why waste my breath? The Kid doesn't put up with it, he states his mind and then moves on. Now, believe it or not this little "talk" helped me out immensely. I need to quit letting everything little thing get to me. I'm here for one reason, to get an education and get where I want in life that's what I'm going to do. If she says she loves me as much as she does, then she'll come around. There's nothing I can do to make the process go faster or force it, so why get bent out of shape over something dumb.

  To be honest, I thought The Kid died when I got back into dating and got into this relationship. I always thought of him as more of my "single-ego" that keeps me moving when things are rough. He's more than that, he's what's inside of me when I'm brave enough to be myself and don't care what people think. And believe it or not....I think The Kid is coming back....