Joey Moore
Relationship Status
In An Open Relationship
South Cobb
Ole Miss
Rollercoasters, Theme Parks, Amusement Parks, Guitar, Home Videos, Road Trips, Traveling, Films
Favorite Music
Jack Johnson, Jimmy Buffett, Pat Green, Kenny Chesney, The Killers, The Walkmen, more...
Favorite Movies
The Patriot, Gladiator, Field of Dreams, Pulp Fictions, Gone in 60 Seconds, Almost Famous
Favorite Books
The Beast, Catcher In the Rye, Time Machine, The Hobbit
back at home, waiting for the movie to start
October 22 2005
So, after another amazing evening spent in Athens last night with my lady I'm back at my real home in atlanta. I just got done eating dinner with my grandpa and what an awesome guy he is. He's like me in 50 years, or atleast I hope to be something like him in 50 years. He's pretty tough and pretty funny, and he has no idea what's going on in today's world and pretty much doesn't care. Just living you know...
So, here I am back downstairs on my old computer waiting on Jeremy to get here so we can go see some crap at the theatre (somewhere I haven't been since June). We used to go to movies all the time, what happened? Oh yeah, I'm freakin' broke that's what. Plus, nothing good has come out in like a year or so, what happened to all the good movies? I mean all my favorite directors have went to crap: Terantino, Spielburg (War of the Worlds? Come on...), and the writing for these have been worse. When is Shamalyan going to do another film, please save us from this repeatitive crap. And just another side note on the movies today....quit making them 3 hours long. That's really freakin' annoying, if you can't get the story in under two hours, you're doing something wrong....
Well, what else....hmmm. Well the camping trip is getting pretty close and I'm really excited and dissapointed with myself at the same time. This weather is absolutely perfect for coaster riding and I haven't been doing any lately. So, I'm going to make up for it this weekend hardcore. I'm cashing in my change at Kroger Friday morning and buying my park ticket with that and I'm just going to ride. Heck, I'm going to ride just to ride. Already rode it that day, doesn't matter. Kids coaster that lasts about 13 seconds, I'm going to ride it 3 times. I need to remember why I'm going through this hell known as the Engineering Program. This weekend is needed and well deserved. So here's a big thanks to Garreth and the guys for talking me into going all the way to Branson this weekend.