Joey Moore
Relationship Status
In An Open Relationship
South Cobb
Ole Miss
Rollercoasters, Theme Parks, Amusement Parks, Guitar, Home Videos, Road Trips, Traveling, Films
Favorite Music
Jack Johnson, Jimmy Buffett, Pat Green, Kenny Chesney, The Killers, The Walkmen, more...
Favorite Movies
The Patriot, Gladiator, Field of Dreams, Pulp Fictions, Gone in 60 Seconds, Almost Famous
Favorite Books
The Beast, Catcher In the Rye, Time Machine, The Hobbit
Yearning for that drive...
October 17 2005
The Kid is going through one of those weeks... Now to most people "one of those weeks" usually means a bad thing and that is no exception here, the thing is my bad week consists of this: not traveling and seeing something new. It's been far too long since I've put some miles on my car and for those of you that really know me, than that is a real problem for me. Life is too short to be spent in my Oxford apartment playing videogames with Billy on the big screen. And no, I'm not single anymore which has really taken some gas out of my traveling soul that used to play such a big part in my life...
See, this is how it used to be: Go a few weeks studying with tests and what not, and then I get this urge. And off I would go. Anywhere, and everywhere, it didn't matter where; as long as it was somewhere that was either a)new or b)had roller coasters. Ahh, how I long for the days on the road. It's my heaven on earth, its my sanctuary. And it's not that I mind not being single, I love my girlfriend with everything I've got, but its different; not bad different just different.
There is just something about getting up before the sun rise, packing a days worth of clothes and nothing more, and just driving. Seeing what God created for us and seeing what this place is without us in it. For some reason it breathes life into me knowing that I'm not everything in this world, which is forgotten sometimes I must say. Well, just to let all you know I've gotten the "urge" again and I've never been one to sit here when it hits me. As another journey starts to be planned I'm left with one real thought: this world is only beautiful if we see it.