
July 07 2006
Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything on here.  Since my last entry, I've completed my first year of college, declared a major, been to Indiana, become better friends with some and drifted from others, read several books, been to visit friends in Lexington, got an iPod, pretty much packed up my room to move into a new house, watched a season and a half of gilmore girls, talked on the phone ALOT, written a few letters, spent way too much money, spent a weekend at the lake with a bunch of friends, missed many of my school friends, realized the awesome power of living my life wholeheartedly for Christ, tripped a few times in trying to do so, and best of all, grown in my precious relationship with the Lord.

So, as you can see, I've been busy... and my summer will only continue to get busier.. I'm leaving for Hawaii in a week!! ahh!! I'm pretty excited about that..  I might put pictures up from that... lol if i get around to it!