Details of Feb. 28 & March 1st

March 11 2006

So Feb. 28th my dad asks me where I would like to go eat for dinner. I say well since its cheap burger night at Toots why not there. So I call up my good friend Ben who happens to work there on the weekend to see if he'd like to come along. He does and so My brother my dad and I all eat at Toots. Well Ben was going to have his haircut by the manager after we ate so I asked my dad if I could stay and watch and Ben bring me home later. We went to the back of toots to where the managers office was. I was in there and so was ben and two other managers. I was just talking to them and suddenly saw this sign that read " Hi Im Elvis " on it . I suddenly had the urge to take it . Without thinking of the consequences I slipped it into my pocket. After ben got his hair cut we left and went home. I still had the sign in my pocket with my shirt pulled down over it . I didn't think anything of it till the next day during 6th period. I was in my mentor period putting in grades for a teacher and ben had this awful look on his face. I said whats wrong am I in trouble or something? He said yea big time ! I said what did I do? He said you freakin' stole a sign from toots. I said oh yea. He said Drew they are gonna arrest you and put you in jail. I went to my car and listened to my voicemail it was the manager at toots. She wasn't happy at all. She said there is a warrant out for your arrest and the police will be coming at 3:00pm to arrest you. I had a doctors appointment at 2:45 or so I thought . So I was gonna leave school at 2:00pm and drive home and get the sign. On the way to my car my principal sees me in the parking lot. I had no idea he knew about what was going on. I thought he was just gonna say you need to get to class. Well he called Toots and told them that the police should stay out of it and that I should just do some service hours or something for them. Last Saturday I got a call from the Toots Manager and she said I didn't have to do anything all they wanted was the sign back. It didn't go to well with my parents though. My Punishment was no driving till graduation and no computer till graduation. Only one day since this thing happened did I not drive and I haven't been on the computer except to do work for school and check e-mail. I think all in all I got off lucky like none other.