
December 06 2005

She asks questions
        They listen
        and answer
She cuts her finger
and cries
        he runs to her
        with a bandage
She cries
they cry

they talk a lot
       and shut her out
she asks a question
they ignore
they love a lot
each other

screaming and yelling
and shutting her out
         an asked question
         no answer
slammed car door
no bandage
         slammed door in her face
        knife in front of her

they're not home
        she shuts the door
she asks a question
to herself
she ignores the answer
        crimson stained carpet
        in front of her
she cuts...
but this time no one runs to her
with a bandage
       she cries herself to "sleep"

Mary Lauren

December 07 2005
no ray ray...YOU rock MY face of you goober. I LOOOOOVE YOU LOOOOOOVE YOU LOOOOOOVE YOU. so there.