*happy little jig*

December 07 2005

I FINALLY got the schedule I wanted for next semester. I've been trying to find a MWF 10:20 History 2010 class for two weeks, and there was one opening yesterday afternoon, so I grabbed it! I also found out that I have a B+ in college algebra, and as long as I do alright on the final, that grade will stay!

And today is the LAST day of classes, praise Jesus! I don't have to come back for my finals until Monday! Then once I'm finished with my algebra final on Tuesday, I don't come back until January 18th!Heck yes for six week Christmas breaks!

Hm. . . the only thing I'm concerned about is my Understanding Mass Media grade. I studied pretty well for our final test, but it was over stuff that he really didn't cover. Gah.

the brian king kenobi

December 07 2005
school here pretty much sucks. hard.


December 07 2005
hurray! party!


December 07 2005
i wouldn't worry about anything. professors can grade you however. they don't really go over the grades unless something is messed up, then you'll have to go to the dean about it. you'll do fine on the UMM test. your a brain!


December 07 2005
um, sunday?


December 08 2005
I should have specified that I never thought I would be happy about an A- in English... because I have definitely been happier about lower grades in other subjects! Like high school biology... "I passed the final exam with a 70! Whoo hoo!"


December 08 2005
Oh, and I was walking like I always do! I don't know how in the universe it could have resembled marching!