Becky Robinson


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In A Relationship

Its been a while............

February 22 2006
    Its been a long time since I have updated this.......Between school and work and everything else I kind of forget about phusebox. Although I do spend time in the lab at school, so its not that I don't have time I just forget about Phusbox.  Oh well.....

    I love when it snows and I don't have to work or anything...... Joey
and I went and played with my 4 and 5 year old neice and nephew in the snow yesterday and it was so much fun.  It wasn't good for making
snowballs, unless you did it with your bare hands and melted some of
it, but it was still really fun.  We had a sorta snowball fight me
and my niece against Joey and my nephew and it was hillarious those
kids love him. It was cool to watch my nephew whisper in his ear and
then my niece chasing him.  Oh well anyways.  It is pretty
daggum cold out there and that kind of stinks but oh well.
    So I hear all the teenagers talking about Winterfest, and it makes me miss youth group.  I really wish I could just stay in the youth group forever.  Is there a stay in youth group degree, haha.   I think you appreciate it even more once you are out.  I love RFC but its not the same as NBYG haha. 
Oh well, I think I am going to go I have class in well an hour. haha.