Becky Robinson


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


December 14 2005

So thought I would update this daily, but looks like that isn't happening.  Oh well! The semester is over whooohoo!! I have all A's so far, but that is from Karate and Speech so if I didn't get A's that would be pretty sad.

There is only eleven more days until Christmas!  AHH!! I don't know what colors I will use then. I am almost done shopping after I get paid on Tuesday I should be able to get finished and only spending about  40 more dollars so that will be ok.

This is awful I hate waiting for my grades to get out in.  My kids at school the other day asked me what I got on my report card, because they got theirs and  I was like well we don't get those. Man there are a few kids that I am really going to miss at the 'Ole CLA I kinda hope I might be able to work some over Christmas break, but it all depends on my schedule at Patterson. That would bring in some nice money though, and I would have good money to take to Gulf Coast.  I really hope I get enough money to buy a coat before I go to Gulf Coast it would be nice. We'll see though because getting my $100 in to go to NY over break in top priority and I don't know if I am going to be able to get that in. We will see I think I will come up with it somehow.

I have 2 hours of paperwork and videos to do tomorrow for my new job, oh what fun I am sure that will be.  But at least I get paid for it, well I hope I do anyway. I better. Haha.

OH well I am going to go I have to get up early in the morning I have so much stuff to do before I go for Training or whatever it is at 10:00. Ahh!! I am having to get up earlier now than I did when I was in school.  OH well I guess this is part of being older and responsible.  Being responsible sure does stink. Ha.

Love ya,
