The most appropriate song

June 05 2008

beautiful song.

just thought it was appropriate for now.

feels good to hear it

woa. :)

June 05 2008

I got my first real night of sleep.

because God said "Kaelynn, stop trying

to plan everything, stop being so controling,

You use to be so laid back and bubbly. Give

yourself a brake from you. Go to Bed."


Yea God's pretty blunt.

he gave me his answer about all I needed to know

for right now and he said "Let me handle it." 

many of you have been asking

June 05 2008

i have had the question posed to me many times... tyler when are you going to start a mime team over in hawaii?  well to answer your question... im not going to. BUT this summer i am working with a group called CEF which stands for child evangelism fellowship and i am going to be teaching and being on a summer mime team

so yeah i need prayers cause no one else is here to teach with me

....... anyone want to come out???? 


June 04 2008
Is it safe to laugh?

what can I say..

June 03 2008

so I'm feeling good, and confused.

according to my last thought that made no sense I'm sure you all caught the confusion. Well I like him. I've fallen in like with the most confusive guy ever.  And I think he knows.  But I'm 100% unsure about how he feels about me. But I'm use to it. I don't think that dating is like my forte'. And I've probably spelt that wrong. But hey if its meant to happen, it'll happen. Man that's such a cleache' but I guess that's my style. I was pretty mellowed out today. Like I've thought about everything all day. I mean everything, life, dogs, trees, everything.


feels good to be goofy. 

My Gentleman, My God.

June 03 2008

So I have been reading some things that people before me have said and I have come to the conclusion that:

God is a complete gentleman.

We keep telling him to get out of our schools, our government, and our lives. So when we did so he, being the gentleman that he is, he backe dout quitely, with ofcourse, christians such as myself and many others fighting for him. Now people tend to wonder how God could let something so horrible as Katrina, or the Attacks on September 11, 2001 happen; Then I must ask you how can someone that we have pushed out defend us? Or why would he? 

It is not unlike our police officers standing outside of a building that has a bomb in it. They know it will expload soon but you come barging in there. You fight the officers and kill one, the rest back off. You go in the building with the police officers screaming to get out. You don't. The can do nothing else when the bomb is set off. I belive that relates very much to God and our country's current position on him.

What are your thoughts? Agree or think it is asinine? 

Curse You Finger, Curse You Blessed Revolver.

June 03 2008

I have done nothing but load my weapon since I have been here.

No fighting, until now, I continue to threaten.

Now my gun is loaded and I have it raised against your forehead.

I stare you in the straight in the eyes


My finger is meer milimeters away from pulling the triger

The hammer already pulled.

Curse you finger, Curse you blessed Revolver.

You have never failed me before in past conflicts.

Now the curse of past kills has come to haunt the one who has raised it.

I have prepared everyday of my life for something that I will never be ready for.

I have fought a thousand times never before have a fought in anger. I pray to god that this cloud of hate for my enemy is lifted so that I may see clearly enough to aim.

Now my gun is loaded and I have it raised against you forehead.

I stare you straight in the eyes


My finger is meer milimeters away from pulling the triger

The hammer is already pulled.

Curse you finger, Curse you blessed Revovler

Now the curse of past kills has come to haunt the one who has raised it.  

a homeschool family

June 02 2008
we drive a white conversion, we learn about the persians, our 6-year-old's a surgeon, a homeschool family!...we learn about creation, and classic education, we're sponsoring a haitian, a homeschool family!  lol  *snap snap*


June 02 2008

Here's a great quote from one of the greatest men to ever live:


"Your mission is to win our wars. All other public purposes will find others for their accomplishment. Yours is the profession of arms. The will to win, the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory, and the obsession of your public service must be duty, honor, country"


-- Gen. Douglas MacArthur

2 in a day

June 02 2008

so yeah i dont think a whole lot of you will get this but here it goes.



Barrack Obama meets God in heaven.  He walks up to Him and God says wow funny i dont remember you... he replied well I am Barrack Obama the first African-American President.  Oh well Im sorry i still dont remember.  He gets worried and said but God I just became president like 2 hours ago....

Is it love?

June 02 2008

so i thought i should tell everyone. 

I like it here.  I mean for the most part i have just been tolorating it, but now it is like wow i actually like living in Hawaii.  Its not just a place where i cant wait to get back to Tennessee.  I am having fun.  Its summer and already like 3 of my friends have called me up  "tyler lets go somewhere" I think it is pretty awesome.  Soon it will be a year since i have lived here... July 17.  And my friends were like we are going to throw you a party.  Kinda cool :)

Well i thought i would tell you guys that because well... i havent told you guys much about my feelings ha idk

but yeah take care 

No doubt.

June 02 2008
Ok so like yesterday if you were in Dickson you saw how much it rained. How awesome was that? I mean it was just pouring down that is with out a doubt some of the best weather I have seen in a long time. I love that kind of weather.


June 01 2008
Amazing Because It Is - The Almost

SO! alots going on and i dont feel like telling you all about it.

But this song is amaZing and i love it.

Seems Appropriate Enough.

June 01 2008
So yeah I am heading to North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, my home town. Chris Daughtry wrote this song about his home town Greensboro. Which just so happens to be in North Carolina and only about 2 hours south of mine. So as I am getting ready to depart from Dickson heading to N.C. I like listening to this song. lol kinda gay...kinda though.

thought life

June 01 2008


 CAMP! & it will be



June 01 2008

Talent is God-given; be humble.

Fame is man-given; be thankful.

Pride is self-given; be careful.

to the Rose when we want buttercups

May 31 2008

I want you to know this is completely everything of me….

I do miss you.

    But I can not honestly say I really need you, or I hope you find me, or I should really want you, or I hate you, or I know what love is, or you’re amazing, or I am better with you, or I am better off without you,or you made a mistake, or I wish I never kissed you, or I am missing all the right things, or I am glad you took your knife, or I think will you need me.

       You will be the reason I am fighting, the sweat on my face, the one more step I will take, the thing that pushes me, the thought going through my mind, and you will be what I think of when I am these knees.


But You are not my goal, no you‘re just my motivation.

& you are not my bliss, you’re just my aggravation.

You are not my love, just the love before that.

You are not my cry, you’re just my tears.

  I will make it either way, and though I think I will still want you, I might not when I get to where I should be, whatever happens I will trust God knows how to make me happy.

It will be true.

May 31 2008
If you don't have it then chances are you don't need it.


May 30 2008
Level 1:
[x]I had an asthma attack
[ ]Smoked A Cigarette
[ ]Smoked A Cigar
[ ]Smoked Weed
[ ] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
[] (small kine)]Drank Alcohol
[X]Been In Love
[x]Been Dumped
[ ]Been Fired
[]Been In A Fist Fight
[ ]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total: 3Level 2:
[X]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back
[ ]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
[ ]Made Out With A Stranger
[ ]Gone Out On A Blind Date
[x]Had A Crush On An Older Person
[ ]Skipped School
[ ]Slept With A Co-worker
[x ]Seen Someone/Something Die
Total: 6Level 3:
[] Been On A Plane
[ ] Thrown Up From Drinking
[X] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been Snowboarding
[ ] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Myspace
[] Been Mosh Pitting
[x] Taken Pain Killers
[ x] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have
[ ] Been in a BAD relationship
Total: 9Level 4:
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
[x]Made A Snow Angel
[X]Had A Tea Party
[x]Flown A Kite
[x]Built A Sand Castle
[x]Gone Puddle Jumping
[x]Played Dress Up
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves
[x]Gone Sledding
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves
[x]Cheated While Playing A Game
total:  20Level 5:
[x]Been Lonely
[x]Fallen Asleep At Work/School
[ ]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise
[ x]Felt An Earthquake
[ ]Kissed A Snake
[x]Been Tickled
[X]Been Robbed/Vandalized
[ ]Robbed Someone
[x]Been Misunderstood
total: 27Level 6:
[X]Pet A Deer
[x]Won A Contest
[ ]Been Suspended
[ ]Had Detention
[ ]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident
[x]Had/Have Braces
[ ]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[ ]Had deja vu
[ x]Danced in the moonlight
[x]Hate(d) The Way You Look
total: 32 Level 7:
[x]Witnessed A Crime
[x]Questioned Your Heart
[ ]Been obsessed with post-it-notes
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
[x]Been Lost
[ ]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
[x]Swam In The Ocean
[ x]Felt Like You Were Dying
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep
total: 39 

Level 8:
[Xxxxxxxx]Played Cops And Robbers
[xxxxxxxxx]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
[x]Sang Karaoke
[x]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
[x]Made Prank Phone Calls
[ ]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose
[ ]Kissed In The Rain
[x]Written A Letter To Santa Claus
[]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoe total: 45 Level 9: [x ]Watched the sunset w/ someone you care/cared about
[x]Blown Bubbles
[]Made A Bonfire On The Beach
[ x]Crashed A Party
[ ]Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading
[x]Had A Wish Come True
[ ]Been Humped By A Monkey
[x ]Worn Pearls
[ x]Jumped Off A Bridge
total: 52Level 10:
[]Screamed 'Penis'
[ ]Swam With Dolphins
[x]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle
[ ]Kissed A Fish
[x]Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
[X]Sat On A Roof Top
[xxxxxxx]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
[x]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel 
[ I'm not sure if it was 6hours. Tyler how long did we talk when you were waiting for your next flight back to Hawaii??? ]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x]stayed Up All Night
total: 58Level 11:
[X]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
[X]Climbed A Tree
[X]Had/Been In A Tree House
[x]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone
[ ]Seen a Ghost
[ ]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
[ ]gone streaking
[]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail
[x]Played Chicken
[x(lillys party lol]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On
total: 64
Level 12: [x]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
[]Broken A Bone
[x]Are/Been Easily Amused [x]Caught A Fish
[x]Caught A Butterfly
[x]Laughed So Hard You Cried
[x]Cried So Hard You Laughed
[]Mooned/Flashed Someone
[x]had someone Moon/Flash You
total: 71
Level 13: []Cheated On A Test
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name
[]Slept Naked
[ x]French braided someones hair
[]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool
[ ]Been Kicked Out Of Your House.
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster
[x]Had A Cavity
total: 75Level 14:

[ ]Been Used

[x]Fell Going Up The Stairs
[ ]Licked A Cat
[x]Bitten Someone
[x]Licked Someone
[X]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun(OW!)
[ ]Had sex in a field/garden
[ ]Flattened someones tires
[ ]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something.
total: 80

Final Total: 80 out of 140

Stupid addictively fun questionnaires

May 30 2008
Level 1: 
[ ]I had an asthma attack 
[ ]Smoked A Cigarette 
[ ]Smoked A Cigar 
[ ]Smoked Weed 
[ ] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex 
[ ]Drank Alcohol 
[X]Been In Love 
[X]Been Dumped 
[ ]Been Fired 
[X]Been In A Fist Fight 
[ ]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House 
Total: 3Level 2: 
[X]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back 
[ ]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested 
[ ]Made Out With A Stranger 
[ ]Gone Out On A Blind Date 
[X]Had A Crush On An Older Person 
[X]Skipped School 
[ ]Slept With A Co-worker 
[X]Seen Someone/Something Die 
Total: 4Level 3: 
[ ] Been On A Plane 
[X] Thrown Up From Drinking 
[X] Eaten Sushi 
[ ] Been Snowboarding 
[X] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Myspace 
[X] Been Mosh Pitting 
[X] Taken Pain Killers 
[X] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have 
[ ] Been in a BAD relationship 
Total: 6Level 4: 
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By 
[x]Made A Snow Angel 
[ ]Had A Tea Party 
[X]Flown A Kite 
[X]Built A Sand Castle 
[ ]Gone Puddle Jumping 
[ ]Played Dress Up 
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves 
[x]Gone Sledding 
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves 
[x]Cheated While Playing A Game 
total:  7Level 5: 
[x]Been Lonely 
[X]Fallen Asleep At Work/School 
[ ]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID 
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise 
[X]Felt An Earthquake 
[ ]Kissed A Snake 
[X]Been Tickled 
[X]Been Robbed/Vandalized 
[X]Robbed Someone 
[X]Been Misunderstood 
total: 8Level 6: 
[ ]Pet A Deer 
[X]Won A Contest 
[X]Been Suspended 
[X]Had Detention 
[X]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident 
[X]Had/Have Braces 
[ ]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night 
[X]Had deja vu 
[X]Danced in the moonlight 
[ ]Hate(d) The Way You Look 
total: 7Level 7: 
[X]Witnessed A Crime 
[X]Questioned Your Heart 
[X]Been obsessed with post-it-notes 
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud 
[x]Been Lost 
[ ]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World 
[X]Swam In The Ocean 
[X]Felt Like You Were Dying 
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep 
total: 8Level 8: 
[X]Played Cops And Robbers 
[ ]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers 
[X]Sang Karaoke 
[X]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't 
[X]Made Prank Phone Calls 
[X]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose 
[ ]Kissed In The Rain 
[X]Written A Letter To Santa Claus 
[ ]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoetotal: 6Level 9:[X]Watched the sunset w/ someone you care/cared about 
[X]Blown Bubbles 
[X]Made A Bonfire On The Beach 
[X]Crashed A Party 
[X]Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People 
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading 
[x]Had A Wish Come True 
[ ]Been Humped By A Monkey 
[ ]Worn Pearls 
[X]Jumped Off A Bridge 
total: 8Level 10: 
[X]Screamed 'Penis' 
[ ]Swam With Dolphins 
[X]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle 
[ ]Kissed A Fish 
[X]Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes 
[X]Sat On A Roof Top 
[X]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs 
[X]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel 
[X]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours 
[X]stayed Up All Night 
total: 8Level 11: 
[X]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree 
[X]Climbed A Tree 
[X]Had/Been In A Tree House 
[ ]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone 
[ ]Seen a Ghost 
[ ]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops 
[X]gone streaking 
[X]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail 
[X]Played Chicken 
[ ]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On 
total: 6Level 12:[X]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger 
[ ]Broken A Bone 
[X]Are/Been Easily Amused (very)
[X]Caught A Fish 
[X]Caught A Butterfly 
[X]Laughed So Hard You Cried 
[X]Cried So Hard You Laughed 
[X]Mooned/Flashed Someone 
[X]had someone Moon/Flash You 
total: 8Level 13:[x]Cheated On A Test 
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name 
[X]Slept Naked 
[ ]French braided someones hair 
[X]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool 
[ ]Been Kicked Out Of Your House. 
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster 
[ ]Had A Cavity 
total: 5Level 14:

[ ]Been Used (horrible feeling)
[X]Fell Going Up The Stairs 
[X]Licked A Cat 
[X]Bitten Someone 
[ ]Licked Someone 
[X]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun

[ ]Had sex in a field/garden 
[X]Flattened someones tires 
[X]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas 
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something. 
total: 7

Final Total: 103 out of 140 

Song of the Week. "Fix You"

May 30 2008
So I had another song planned for the song of the week but I was ramaging through you tube and I came across this song...I had forgot about it for a number of weeks and I remembered how much I loved it...LIE ok fine...well I did have another song planned but then I forgot the name of it and then I was trying to remember the name and I for some reason thought of this song then I remembered how amazing the video was...ok that is the truth. I love this video I think it is probably one of the best out there. I love this song too I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Coldplay "Fix You"

Quiz thing.

May 30 2008
Of your little quiz thing...I got a score of 111 out of 140.

so bored

May 30 2008
Level 1:
[ ]I had an asthma attack
[ ]Smoked A Cigarette
[ ]Smoked A Cigar
[ ]Smoked Weed
[ ] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
[ ]Drank Alcohol
[X]Been In Love
[ ]Been Dumped
[ ]Been Fired
[ ]Been In A Fist Fight
[ ]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total: 1Level 2:
[X]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back
[ ]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
[ ]Made Out With A Stranger
[ ]Gone Out On A Blind Date
[x]Had A Crush On An Older Person
[ ]Skipped School
[ ]Slept With A Co-worker
[ ]Seen Someone/Something Die
Total: 3Level 3:
[x] Been On A Plane
[ ] Thrown Up From Drinking
[X] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been Snowboarding
[ ] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Myspace
[ ] Been Mosh Pitting
[x] Taken Pain Killers
[X] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have
[ ] Been in a BAD relationship
Total: 7Level 4:
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
[x]Made A Snow Angel
[ ]Had A Tea Party
[ ]Flown A Kite
[ ]Built A Sand Castle
[x]Gone Puddle Jumping
[x]Played Dress Up
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves
[x]Gone Sledding
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves
[x]Cheated While Playing A Game
total:  15Level 5:
[x]Been Lonely
[ ]Fallen Asleep At Work/School
[ ]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise
[X]Felt An Earthquake
[ ]Kissed A Snake
[x]Been Tickled
[ ]Been Robbed/Vandalized
[ ]Robbed Someone
[x]Been Misunderstood
total: 20Level 6:
[ ]Pet A Deer
[ ]Won A Contest
[ ]Been Suspended
[ ]Had Detention
[ ]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident
[ ]Had/Have Braces
[X]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[X]Had deja vu
[X]Danced in the moonlight
[x]Hate(d) The Way You Look
total: 24 Level 7:
[x]Witnessed A Crime
[x]Questioned Your Heart
[X]Been obsessed with post-it-notes
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
[x]Been Lost
[ ]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
[x]Swam In The Ocean
[ ]Felt Like You Were Dying
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep
total: 31 

Level 8:
[X]Played Cops And Robbers
[x]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
[x]Sang Karaoke
[x]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
[x]Made Prank Phone Calls
[ ]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose
[ ]Kissed In The Rain
[x]Written A Letter To Santa Claus
[X]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoe total: 38Level 9: [ ]Watched the sunset w/ someone you care/cared about
[X]Blown Bubbles
[ ]Made A Bonfire On The Beach
[ ]Crashed A Party
[ ]Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading
[x]Had A Wish Come True
[ ]Been Humped By A Monkey
[X]Worn Pearls
[ ]Jumped Off A Bridge
total: 42Level 10:
[ ]Screamed 'Penis'
[ ]Swam With Dolphins
[x]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle
[ ]Kissed A Fish
[x]Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
[ ]Sat On A Roof Top
[x]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
[x]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel
[ ]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x]stayed Up All Night
total: 47Level 11:
[X]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
[ ]Climbed A Tree
[X]Had/Been In A Tree House
[x]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone
[ ]Seen a Ghost
[x]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
[ ]gone streaking
[ ]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail
[x]Played Chicken
[ ]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On
total: 52
Level 12: [x]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
[ ]Broken A Bone
[x]Are/Been Easily Amused (very)
[x]Caught A Fish
[x]Caught A Butterfly
[x]Laughed So Hard You Cried
[x]Cried So Hard You Laughed
[ ]Mooned/Flashed Someone
[x]had someone Moon/Flash You
total: 59
Level 13: [x]Cheated On A Test
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name
[ ]Slept Naked
[x]French braided someones hair
[ ]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool
[ ]Been Kicked Out Of Your House.
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster
[x]Had A Cavity
total: 64Level 14: [X]Been Used (horrible feeling)
[x]Fell Going Up The Stairs
[ ]Licked A Cat
[x]Bitten Someone
[x]Licked Someone
[X]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun(OW!)
[ ]Had sex in a field/garden
[ ]Flattened someones tires
[ ]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something.
total: 70

Final Total: 70 out of 140 (haha i got exactly half.) 

I cant believe i wasted my time doing this

May 29 2008
Level 1:
[ ]I had an asthma attack
[ ]Smoked A Cigarette
[ ]Smoked A Cigar
[ ]Smoked Weed
[ ] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
[X (small kine)]Drank Alcohol
[X]Been In Love
[x]Been Dumped
[ ]Been Fired
[X]Been In A Fist Fight
[ ]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total: 4Level 2:
[X]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back
[ ]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
[ ]Made Out With A Stranger
[ ]Gone Out On A Blind Date
[x]Had A Crush On An Older Person
[ ]Skipped School
[ ]Slept With A Co-worker
[x ]Seen Someone/Something Die
Total: 7Level 3:
[x] Been On A Plane
[ ] Thrown Up From Drinking
[X (im Asian)] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been Snowboarding
[ ] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Myspace
[X chee hoo ] Been Mosh Pitting
[x] Taken Pain Killers
[ ] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have
[ ] Been in a BAD relationship
Total: 11Level 4:
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
[x]Made A Snow Angel
[X]Had A Tea Party
[x]Flown A Kite
[x]Built A Sand Castle
[x]Gone Puddle Jumping
[x]Played Dress Up
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves
[x]Gone Sledding
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves
[x]Cheated While Playing A Game
total:  22Level 5:
[x]Been Lonely
[x]Fallen Asleep At Work/School
[ ]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise
[ ]Felt An Earthquake
[ ]Kissed A Snake
[x]Been Tickled
[X]Been Robbed/Vandalized
[ ]Robbed Someone
[x]Been Misunderstood
total: 28Level 6:
[X]Pet A Deer
[x]Won A Contest
[ ]Been Suspended
[ ]Had Detention
[ ]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident
[x]Had/Have Braces
[ ]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[ ]Had deja vu
[ ]Danced in the moonlight
[x]Hate(d) The Way You Look
total: 32 Level 7:
[x]Witnessed A Crime
[x]Questioned Your Heart
[ ]Been obsessed with post-it-notes
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
[x]Been Lost
[ ]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
[x (nah never)]Swam In The Ocean
[ ]Felt Like You Were Dying
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep
total: 38 

Level 8:
[X]Played Cops And Robbers
[x]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
[x]Sang Karaoke
[x]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
[x]Made Prank Phone Calls
[ ]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose
[ ]Kissed In The Rain
[x]Written A Letter To Santa Claus
[X (Aunty) ]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoe total: 45 Level 9: [ ]Watched the sunset w/ someone you care/cared about
[x]Blown Bubbles
[X]Made A Bonfire On The Beach
[ ]Crashed A Party
[ ]Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading
[x]Had A Wish Come True
[ ]Been Humped By A Monkey
[ ]Worn Pearls
[ ]Jumped Off A Bridge
total: 49Level 10:
[X(choke at school)]Screamed 'Penis'
[ ]Swam With Dolphins
[x]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle
[ ]Kissed A Fish
[x]Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
[X]Sat On A Roof Top
[x]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
[x]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel
[ ]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x]stayed Up All Night
total: 56Level 11:
[X]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
[X]Climbed A Tree
[X]Had/Been In A Tree House
[x]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone
[ ]Seen a Ghost
[ ]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
[ ]gone streaking
[X]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail
[x]Played Chicken
[x]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On
total: 62
Level 12: [x once upon a time]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
[X]Broken A Bone
[x]Are/Been Easily Amused (very)
[x]Caught A Fish
[x]Caught A Butterfly
[x]Laughed So Hard You Cried
[x]Cried So Hard You Laughed
[X]Mooned/Flashed Someone
[x]had someone Moon/Flash You
total: 71
Level 13: [x]Cheated On A Test
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name
[x]Slept Naked
[ ]French braided someones hair
[x]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool
[ ]Been Kicked Out Of Your House.
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster
[x]Had A Cavity
total: 77Level 14: [ ]Been Used (horrible feeling)
[x]Fell Going Up The Stairs
[ ]Licked A Cat
[x]Bitten Someone
[x]Licked Someone
[X]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun(OW!)
[ ]Had sex in a field/garden
[ ]Flattened someones tires
[ ]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something.
total: 82

Final Total: 82 out of 140

140 Experiences

May 29 2008
Level 1:
[ ]I had an asthma attack
[ ]Smoked A Cigarette
[ ]Smoked A Cigar
[ ]Smoked Weed
[ ] Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
[ ]Drank Alcohol
[ ]Been In Love
[x]Been Dumped
[ ]Been Fired
[ ]Been In A Fist Fight
[ ]Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total: 1

Level 2:
[x]Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back
[ ]Been Arrested/Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
[ ]Made Out With A Stranger
[ ]Gone Out On A Blind Date
[x]Had A Crush On An Older Person
[x]Skipped School
[ ]Slept With A Co-worker
[x ]Seen Someone/Something Die
Total: 5

Level 3:
[x] Been On A Plane
[ ] Thrown Up From Drinking
[ ] Eaten Sushi
[ ] Been Snowboarding
[ ] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Myspace
[ ] Been Mosh Pitting
[x] Taken Pain Killers
[x] Love(d) Someone Who You Can't Have
[ ] Been in a BAD relationship
Total: 8

Level 4:
[x]Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
[x]Made A Snow Angel
[ ]Had A Tea Party
[x]Flown A Kite
[x]Built A Sand Castle
[x]Gone Puddle Jumping
[x]Played Dress Up
[x]Made A Pile Of Leaves
[x]Gone Sledding
[x]Jumped Into A pile of leaves
[x]Cheated While Playing A Game
total:  18

Level 5:
[x]Been Lonely
[x]Fallen Asleep At Work/School
[ ]Used A Fake/Someone Else's ID
[x]Watched The Sun Set/sun rise
[x]Felt An Earthquake
[ ]Kissed A Snake
[x]Been Tickled
[ ]Been Robbed/Vandalized
[ ]Robbed Someone
[x]Been Misunderstood
total: 24

Level 6:
[ ]Pet A Deer
[x]Won A Contest
[ ]Been Suspended
[ ]Had Detention
[ ]Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident
[x]Had/Have Braces
[x]Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[x]Had deja vu
[ ]Danced in the moonlight
[x]Hate(d) The Way You Look
total: 29

Level 7:
[x]Witnessed A Crime
[x]Questioned Your Heart
[x]Been obsessed with post-it-notes
[x]Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
[x]Been Lost
[x]Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
[x]Swam In The Ocean
[x]Felt Like You Were Dying
[x]Cried Yourself To Sleep
total: 38 

Level 8:
[ ]Played Cops And Robbers
[x]Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
[x]Sang Karaoke
[x]Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
[x]Made Prank Phone Calls
[ ]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose
[ ]Kissed In The Rain
[x]Written A Letter To Santa Claus
[ ]Been Kissed Under A Mistletoe total: 43 Level 9: [ ]Watched the sunset w/ someone you care/cared about
[x]Blown Bubbles
[ ]Made A Bonfire On The Beach
[ ]Crashed A Party
[ ]Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
[x]Gone Rollerskating/Blading
[x]Had A Wish Come True
[ ]Been Humped By A Monkey
[ ]Worn Pearls
[ ]Jumped Off A Bridge
total: 46

Level 10:
[ ]Screamed 'Penis'
[ ]Swam With Dolphins
[x]Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube/Popsicle
[ ]Kissed A Fish
[x]Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
[ ]Sat On A Roof Top
[x]Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
[x]Done/ATTEMPTED A One-Handed Cartwheel
[ ]talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
[x]stayed Up All Night
total: 51

Level 11:
[ ]Picked & Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
[ ]Climbed A Tree
[ ]Had/Been In A Tree House
[x]Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies alone
[ ]Seen a Ghost
[x]Have/Had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
[ ]gone streaking
[ ]Been to/Visited Someone At Jail
[x]Played Chicken
[x]Been Pushed Into A Pool With All Your Clothes On
total: 55

Level 12: [x]Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
[ ]Broken A Bone
[x]Are/Been Easily Amused (very)
[x]Caught A Fish
[x]Caught A Butterfly
[x]Laughed So Hard You Cried
[x]Cried So Hard You Laughed
[ ]Mooned/Flashed Someone
[x]had someone Moon/Flash You
total: 62Level 13: [x]Cheated On A Test
[x]Forgotten Someone's Name
[ ]Slept Naked
[ ]French braided someones hair
[x]Gone Skinny dipping In A pool
[ ]Been Kicked Out Of Your House.
[x]Rode A Roller Coaster
[x]Had A Cavity
total: 67Level 14: [ ]Been Used (horrible feeling)
[x]Fell Going Up The Stairs
[ ]Licked A Cat
[x]Bitten Someone
[x]Licked Someone
[ ]Been shot at with a paint ball/bee bee gun(OW!)
[ ]Had sex in a field/garden
[ ]Flattened someones tires
[ ]Drove in a car until it ran out of gas
[x]Had five dollars or less and bought something.
total: 71

Final Total:71 out of 140


It is just too complicated.

May 29 2008

I am not lost.

I am just not sure where I am going right now.

I did not leave.

I am just not here right now.

I am not lieing.

I just can't see the truth right now.

I am not unstable.

I am just off balance right now.

I do not hate myself.

I just can't stand to look myself in the eyes right now.


     Don't you dare be so consided as to think this was caused by you. This occured to me long ago, when my actions reflected my heart, when I let them. Now I must hold back, not from fear of failure or the fear of anything else just simply the desire to...actually this goes against all of my real desires. I guess I am here floating down the river praying to God for an oar so I can help control this a little better. Has he not already done so though? It was indeed my choice. How many things have fallen so perfectly into place though. "Maybe it is hell that is calling me to the place that I call heaven." quote me on that.

my dumb poem!

May 29 2008
      All through the night all through the day when the leaves outside your window sway i hope you know i love you and im open to anything you say i will be there and always will all through the night and all through the day


May 29 2008

Ok well i guess this will probably my last thought on phusebox for a while because this is the last day of school and well i will be leaving to go to florida soon and then when we get back i will be going to gatlinburg and then i will be goin to chicago so my summer is going to be pretty jam packed so im gonna miss you guys and i'll see ya before long

                                            love ya


May 28 2008

If an infinite number of parents, prying into the lives of an infinite number of teenagers knocked an infinite number of times on an infinite number of bedroom doors, they would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare in morse code.




That is all.

Carver Lee Lowery

May 28 2008

my nephew is gonna be born on friday... hopefully


please pray that everything will go smoothly 

saying II

May 27 2008

have you ever heard someone tell you something like: "if you love something, let it go.  if it comes back then you know it's true"???? matter how badly i don't want to do that, i think i have to.  also, do not get upset because i'm not telling you every little detail.  i just hope it does come back.  at least for a while...


let me state that i do realize i must work for what i want.  i am willing to.  but there are some things in this life that no matter what you do as a person, you can not change them.  you can not keep living a fairy tale thinking that you can fix every problem.  you can't.  sometimes you have to sit back and let "nature take its course."  you can't change the way others feel.  you can't change what others do.  you can't keep pressing an issue that is not getting any better with your "help".  if you back off, they wonder what's going on.  if you press harder, they wonder why you won't drop it and let it go.  so i'm letting it go.


Declaration of War

May 27 2008

Sooo... Basically this thought is about this guy I know who is a real jerk. I'm in a show with him at the RCenter, and he continually treats me, and (everyone else, for that matter) as if we're the stupidest people that ever lived. So, Me and my sidekick Zane have drafted a declaration of war which we are going to put on his desk tonight. It reads:



Mr. Jones,


  Inasmuch as you have seen fit to harass and harangue us in our peaceful endeavors, and inasmuch as we have diligently pursued a peaceful Co-Habitation with you, and found you either incapable or unwilling to behave in a civil manner, we humbly submit for you review this declaration of war.


  It is our most earnest intention to convince you; by force, if neccisary, to either change your deportment, or if that attempt should fail, to force you to resign your position.


  Furthermore it is our intention to harrass you, as you have so rudely done us. Only when we recieve full written apology on your part shall we begin the cessation of hostilities.


  Therefore, we the undersigned formally declare a state of war upon you, the aforementioned; intil such time as we see fit to cease hostilities.


                Defiantly yours,


Daniel Pitts                    M. Zane Jordan 





school's out for summer!

May 27 2008

I am so freakin happy that school is about to be let out, although im going to c.w.h.s next time school comes around and i'll never be going back to middle school again, i have to realize that growing up is a part of life and everybody has to do it.

 Im kinda anxious to get to creek wood well because it's a new beggining and its gonna be alot different. Well i guess   i'll go and let you guy's go and plan out your sweet vacations but it's only bye for now!, And by the way are any of you guys upset by the American Idol winner?

Song of the Week. "If You're Reading This"

May 25 2008
So every night before I go to bed I pray to God that I will have the chance to give my life in service of my country. But I am really torn too, I mean I am going to serve in the military no matter what, and if my life is called upon I will not hesitate before taking the bullet, I just keep thinking of the family I would have. I know after I am dead it won't matter though. I think that my letter will sound something like this. Please enjoy Tim McGraw's "If You're Reading This"

Just shooting Straight.

May 25 2008
Ok so I am going to be honest about something. You know how people will flavor their coffee with crap like "Coffee Mate" that makes it all carmel and crap? Ah that grinds my gears. Now I am not saying that I don't enjoy a good House Blend or Starbucks Grande Carmel Mocha, but when you are just drinking coffee just drink coffee. And there was an old saying that came around, "It ain't done until the bullet floats." That is how thick their coffee was. So come one, this morning or some time when you are about to drink coffee grow a pair and set down the sugar, pour a little more grounds in the coffee maker than normal and drink it straight.

Do we really want change in our lives?

May 24 2008
Looking back on the last century, I can’t help but imagine what life will be like during the coming century. I wonder what advancements will be made technologically, politically and religiously.

We’ve come a long way since the Industrial Revolution. Automobiles are far more efficient than ever. Planes have gone from unstable gliders to space shuttles taking man to places we previously only dreamed of.

Advancements in genetics, like those of the transportation industry, are very promising. Soon we will be able to maintain our bodies in a similar fashion to interchangeable parts. When a body part goes bad, it’ll be easy to simply replace it and keep running. In the near future, we should be able to order custom-made organs and tissues engineered specifically for our bodies.

Opponents of the genetic breakthroughs argue that such an application of human discovery is “playing God.” I would beg to differ.

“I know what you do; I know that you have power; you have followed my teaching and have been faithful to me. I have opened a door in front of you, which no one can close,” Revelation 3:8.

In my opinion, the door the writer was referring to is our opportunity to make use of the tools that God has given us to try to make life better for ourselves. Yes, certainly there are boundaries, but where do we draw the line and who will draw it? Should we look up to the self-interest politicians to make pertinent decisions on our behalf, or should we take an active part in democracy? I’m left with two inquiries: do we really want change or do we want to stay comfortable with a deadlocked political culture?

Parents who want best for kids not ‘elitists’

May 24 2008

I am writing in response to David Cook’s column, “Vouchers take money away from public schools,” in the April 11 edition of The Lancaster News.


How selfish must you be to block financial aid to parents who wish to send their kids to a conducive place to learn. Last time I checked, there were parents who had to transfer their kids from public to private schools because of disciplinary problems. And there are parents who want a clean Christian education, sheltered from the ungodliness in our local schools.


You also have those who are sick and tired of the truncated and rushed education that public schools provide.


If there is any other way to be “pro-choice” for education, let us know, rather than spoiling the opportunity to help us who are having a hard time paying for gas, rising food costs, all on top of trying to raise our children.


Stop labeling people who want the best for their children as elitists.

I have a problem with people who oppose a package that will help offset the financial burden in the coming days.


I wonder what would happen if our schools didn’t wastefully spend money on useless and nonproductive programs.


If I was a parent, all I would want is the satisfaction that my hard-earned taxes are going toward something that would make life better for my children, rather than sending them to a rough school.

Make changes to avoid another school scare

May 24 2008

Our schools need to invest in protecting our students. It's as if Columbine, Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois were not a clear indication.


Lancaster County School District and Superintendent Gene Moore need to take action to prevent another scare like what happened at Lancaster High on April 4.


I am not suggesting we turn our schools into an Orwellian police state but there are ways to try to prevent a school shooting in our area. Most metropolitan schools have implemented metal detectors as a primary defense. Some of these schools also have a policy regarding the compulsory usage of clear backpacks. Some urban schools also ban the baggy clothing that some subcultures are identified with.


The time to act is now; school violence is preventable. Action. Change. Results. That is what I am looking for in the school district and local law enforcement.

Social Web sites are part of culture

May 24 2008

Critics of social networking Web sites better get used it; they're here to stay. The youth are using them to keep in touch with one another.


Telecommuters from HP are using them to connect with their development teams. Even military officers are using Facebook to organize their squadrons.


Social networks are a part of a larger schema that is oft called Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the catalyst for the culture clash between those who embrace these tools and those who are just fine with the conventional methods.


Something that has been able to fuel the rising indifference to race, ethnicity, or age.


The current millennial generation is going to expect these collaborative tools in the workforce. How we work today will be very different in the future.


Job centers like Bangalore and Dubai have shown major job growth primarily because they have embraced the digital counter-culture that is far more efficient than the archaic methods of how things are currently managed.


Online education tools like BBC's Bitesize are shifting education in a new, positive and more interesting direction.


Our students are hungry for a media rich educational experience that will help them actually prepare for the future of the workforce rather than how it was a couple decades ago.


Even while we are learning to understand valuable lessons like how people are people and how immigrants have mouths to feed too, there are those who try to be a little too overprotective.


Every time I hear someone criticize the concerns for safety on sites like MySpace I am continually reminded of those who would rather stash money under their mattresses than to put it in a bank.


It is simply illogical to be an expert on something that you have not been acquainted with.


Certainly there are those who will find ways to abuse these tools, but something can be done about this problem.


Helicopter parents tend to overlook the features built into sites like MySpace that help sever the possibility of communication with someone who is significantly older than them.


Despite the controversy, the future of our lifestyles and workforce are right here right now.


While we are working, studying and occupying our boredom, we are progressing into the next millennium after eight years of setbacks. All while we are reporting sketchy individuals whose abuse is detrimental to our community and culture.

Self-interests get in way of witnessing

May 24 2008
Feb. 6 marked the beginning of Lent this year. As many often regard this as an archaic tradition, I would beg to differ.

This tradition is as relevant today as it was when Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai.

A colleague once brought up the concept that we tend to put God in our pocket, only pulling him out when we need them.

Fellow Christians, we should not set a bad example by turning to God when we need him and simply forgetting about him when times get rough.

Life will certainly present many distractions every time you turn around.

From the struggles of keeping up with a failing economy to the world we all like to demonize and use as our scapegoat of why things have gotten so bad. There's no one to blame except ourselves.

The only groups that have effectively put God first is the pilgrims and, as much as I hate to say it, the Muslim extremists.

If we were as dedicated to our servitude to God as they are imagine the possibilities.

There is an enormous need for domestic missionaries to share the good news with our neighbors. But we are too occupied with our own self-interest.

What if we did not spend all of our time mindlessly entertaining ourselves and actually going out and witnessing to the lost we tend to ignore.

Maybe the time has come for us all to give up something for the better good.

With our busy lives maybe taking a breather may be a good thing for us to contemplate on our faith.

I have one question, what have you sacrificed, not necessarily during this time of Lent, that allows you to focus on the main thing?

Self-interests get in way of witnessing

May 24 2008
Feb. 6 marked the beginning of Lent this year. As many often regard this as an archaic tradition, I would beg to differ.

This tradition is as relevant today as it was when Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai.

A colleague once brought up the concept that we tend to put God in our pocket, only pulling him out when we need them.

Fellow Christians, we should not set a bad example by turning to God when we need him and simply forgetting about him when times get rough.

Life will certainly present many distractions every time you turn around.

From the struggles of keeping up with a failing economy to the world we all like to demonize and use as our scapegoat of why things have gotten so bad. There's no one to blame except ourselves.

The only groups that have effectively put God first is the pilgrims and, as much as I hate to say it, the Muslim extremists.

If we were as dedicated to our servitude to God as they are imagine the possibilities.

There is an enormous need for domestic missionaries to share the good news with our neighbors. But we are too occupied with our own self-interest.

What if we did not spend all of our time mindlessly entertaining ourselves and actually going out and witnessing to the lost we tend to ignore.

Maybe the time has come for us all to give up something for the better good.

With our busy lives maybe taking a breather may be a good thing for us to contemplate on our faith.

I have one question, what have you sacrificed, not necessarily during this time of Lent, that allows you to focus on the main thing?

We need to learn to be more understanding of other people

May 24 2008
If I could change one thing in the world I would most certainly make people more understanding toward others. I’m shocked by what happened recently in Tennessee.
A shop owner who desperately needed his business property to be zoned as “commercial” killed himself right in front of the City Council who voted against helping him in his time of need.
Immigrants, illegal or not, are people. Although they may come across as leeches to the taxpayers, they, too, are pursuing the American dream.
At one time, I, too, wasn’t understanding to the conditions that illegal immigrants have come from. They need a job, and I haven’t heard anyone complain about their low-paying jobs other than the spoiled-rotten brats that were raised right here in the USA.
People are quick to judge, and I, too, have issues with being critical. If going to a public school and befriending people from various backgrounds has taught me anything, it’s that everyone has a story to tell.
Over the summer my church’s youth group went on a mission trip to Kentucky to help out the less fortunate in Williamsburg. Many of the people we helped out were affected by the closing of the local mines. As people lost their jobs, they experienced financial hardships, that I’d imagine would be very stressful. But if you were to see them on the side of the road or walking around the local Wal-Mart, many would judge them based on their looks. “Oh, I feel bad for the poor people. They need to go out and get a job rather than leeching off the tax payers.” And that’s a fool’s mentality. At this point in their life, they need all the help they can get.
What are you doing to give your fellow Americans a helping hand in their time of need?


May 24 2008

Two names you go by:

   2.Chico ... lol

Two things you are wearing right now:
    1.Black TENNESSEE shirt    2.My favorite tan shorts.Two things you want very badly at the moment:
 1.Someone to lean on and talk to  2.Some cake!Two people who will fill this out:
   1.Seeing Carmen already did it.. one
Two things you did last night:
   1. Went to two graduations. Its was WAY fun :P   2. TextedTwo things you ate Yesterday:   1. CAKE :)   2. ...i dont remeber anything else lol
Two people you last talked to:  1. Seth  2. Sam  Two things you're doing today:
  1. Going to some thing with Carmen  2. always :P
Two longest car rides:
   1. Michigan   2. IDKTwo favorite beverages:
   1.Water    2. Coffee

oh so fun!

May 23 2008

Two names you go by:
1. Megan

2. random names

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. shorts2. t-shirtthings you want very badly at the moment:
1. a way to handle stress better2. a certain someoneTwo people who will fill this out:
1. Keri, possibly2. And I don't knowTwo things you did last night:
1. texted a very important someone2. thought about something importantTwo things you ate Yesterday:1. a cookie2. chipsTwo people you last talked to:1. Sydnee2. my momTwo things you're doing today:
1. reading a book2. thinking about something very importantTwo longest car rides:
1. Florida2. OhioTwo favorite beverages:
1. Milk 2. sweet tea

fun yay

May 23 2008
no, i'm not talking to or about anyone, fyi.
Two names you go by:
   1.Poochea     2.flintTwo things you are wearing right now: and white dress favorite necklacethings you want very badly at the moment:
 1.wisdom in certain areas   2.a certain wish to come trueTwo people who will fill this out:
   1.Grace maybe           2. Megan
Two things you did last night:
   1. wrote a paper   2.went to krogerTwo things you ate Yesterday:   1. really good pie   2. spaghetti
Two people you last talked to:  1Ross     2Dad  Two things you're doing today:
  1. going to graduation  2. taking a shower
Two longest car rides:
   1. Michigan   2.CanadaTwo favorite beverages:
   1.Water    2. tie between sweet tea and root beer.

heres what you know

May 22 2008

Ha, you dont know ANYTHING!

dont pretend you do,you think you see me through! 

 but you can't, and you really dont know at all.

 the only thing you know is how much i miss something

that was mine for awhile,

I cry at night, but during the day i can fake the happiest smile!

 its crazy whats happening to me...

you don't know whats on my mind,

& if you found out you would be so far left behind.

 you cant say he didnt love me,

and maybe he didn't but thats not your concern just let it be!

 you dont understand me or whats happening...

Dont pretend you know whats going on, i swear there's so much more you'd be in for!

 i cant tell anything, i'd put you on overload.

but listen closely to me , and you'll see these words of mine,

are not near empty.




May 22 2008
i won't even bother asking how anyone is...because no one ever answers.  But i'll just tell you i've been FANTABULOUS.  to the max.  t-totally...rockin.  yeah.  i'll just say that i need a lot of prayers.  there's someone i really miss...and there is a lot going on with my family right now.  i am scared, and i don't know if i can handle it.  so please, keep me in your prayers, and if you aren't a praying person, keep me in your...not-prayers.

crap school

May 22 2008

School is crappy i'm glad that that either tomorrow or monday is my last day!!!!

No I don't think so...

May 22 2008

Would it be easier to understand if I were a philospher?

Would it be easier to fight if I were a Marine?

Would it be easier to believe if I were a preacher?

Would it be easier to run froward if I were a marathon runner?

Would it be easier to walk away if I were a quiter?

Would it be easier to take a hit if I were a bullet proof vest?

Would it be easier to breathe if I were an oxygen tank?

Would it be easier to continue if I were a machine?


tight song and some thoughts i have.

May 21 2008
My Beautiful Rescue - This Providence

i need to type. i need to let it out. i need to say what i need to say here so i dont let it out in a place i shouldn't or a time i should be silent.

People change, i get this, i'm not stupid. But why is it that i see they are changing and hate it yet they cant see it and could care less. I myself am changing, i'm growing and pushing through, and in a way that kinda scars me. I'm scared i'm gona be the kid that someone sees changing and hates it and they think i could care less. I dont think i'm changing for the worse. Let me list the ways i have changed and you tell me if its bad or not.

1~ i've come to realize, MOST (not all but most) guys are scum. And the ones that aren't....dont seem to want to just be friends.

2~ I've come to find that dating is not for me at this moment in time. I want to be a kid as long as i can and dating is one more thing that makes me grow up. I'll worry about that when it matters and is really and truly dating b.c these days kids think going to the movies and eating fast food is a date..haha sorry to crush you kids but thats not even close haha

3~ I find that i'm a Jesus Lovers....i dont like being called a Christian just b/c of the bad name it has gotten. And i have seen many people that CALL them selves 'Christians' and a way i know Jesus wouldn't smile about. SO i call myself a Jesus Lover :) And its fun :P

yeah the list kinda stops i guess i haven't changed or grown much but it is pretty amaZing to me that i figured all this out clear as day in a matter of 2 weeks i think it was :) So yeah it makes me happy...and i've been so happy lately...except when i see some people but yeah its been pretty good :)
Love you guys :)



May 21 2008
 Mad about AMERICAN IDOL... huhhhhhhhhhhh

Ready for Summer!

May 21 2008

I haven't posted anything in a while, but nothing really exciting has happened either lately. I had my dance recital last Friday. I got an award for being on the hip-hop team and a perfect attendance award. I really thought I would get Most Improved Dancer, but sadly I didn't.  It's all good though. I have next year and the next year and the next year. I can't believe I only have three years left of high school. Today when all the seniors went crazy, I thought about how I'm going to feel when I'm graduating. It's going to be so awesome, but I'm also most likely going to cry. A LOT. Like Jessica put it the other day, "After high school's college, and then after college is life...and life's scary." Most likely also, I'll lose touch with my friends. Everyone says that you'll be best friends forever, but really? It's a little sad to think about. I was thinking about how people say ignorance is bliss. In a way I agree.If you don't realize how short of a time you have, you aren't worrying about making as many memories as you can. You aren't sad. If you do realize how short of a time you have, you try to make as many memories as you can. You're happy, but at the same time you're sad because you realize it's only a short amount of time before it's all over. And today we read a story about time traveling, and the teacher asked us all what's one thing you would change if you could go back in time. Mine was I only wish that I could have taken more chances and not have been afraid.


So I'm so ready for summer. This year has been so stressful, but it's still be crazy awesome. I can't wait for some chillaxing time.

am i?

May 21 2008

Am I the stubborn one?  I think not.  You only believe what you believe because you've told yourself that so many times, now you are convinced.  I am not.  Am I the wrong one?  I think not.

My wound.

May 21 2008

Just because I have been hit does not mean I will not load my rifle again.

Just becuase I have ran out of ammo does not mean that I will not keep fighting.
Just because my brother has died in the same act does not mean I will stop.

Just because I can't feel my left hand does not mean that I cannot kill with my right.

Just because I am bleeding does not mean I will stop and wait for a medic to heal me.

Just because I believe in God does not mean I will pray to him in this land.

Just because they fight in the name of God does not mean that they will win.

Just because I have lost this battle before does not mean that I will win this time.

Now that you have left me, you must be dead to me, or I will not live to fight again.

I will and I will not.

May 21 2008

I will not show you all of my battle scars,

I will just tell you I know what I am doing.

I will not tell you that I trust you,

I will just take your hand.

I will not tell you I am going to throw down,

I will just draw.

I will not lie to you my love,

I will just do excatly what I say.

I will not pray for forgiveness,

I will just believe that god understands.

I will not put up deceptive covers,

I will just stand in the rain for you to see.

I will not believe that you and your God will defeat me,

I will just fight till the death.


getting this over with...

May 19 2008

i want to come right out and say it.....

so I prayed to God, and said if you want me and austin relationship to end, and if we are not supposed to b together right now, then lord take him away from he did. and i honestly don't understand.

God always hears my prayers, and he seems to never answer right then, but when i offer him something i could barely studder the words to give him, something that i love , something i value so much... He takes it, and all i can think about is why?  I have thought about it so much from being angry to saying oh God you heard me , and this is where i am supposed to be.... and right now i am hurting.

 And soon very soon you will read this austin mathis! & i hope you know , i hope you see, i hope you remember.... Every piece of me you have, and i cant let you go. but someday... i might be able to. i will press on because i promised you i would.

i just wanted to be upfront with all this, and i didnt want a big trail of gossip about me or austin to go around about you heard, and ill say this up front neither one of us broke up angry or upset with the other person, and yes, he broke up with me , because i could probably not been able to let go, and God knew that.

Ive made a swear with my best friend i will not date another guy for at least a year, and a commitment for 2 years. & my only exception will be If God brings austin & I back together in this time, and i doubt we will neither be ready for another try within 2 years....

 so just thought you all should know that,too.

  it starts with goodbye. 


these tears we cry

May 18 2008

I thought i was in this deep dark hole alone when a hand reached out and a familar voice i had forgotten said how do we get out?


 i thought these tears were just my tears, and this loneliness was just my loneliness when from behind me said you are wet from my tears, and you are cold from my loneliness.


  & i had been alone waiting for a train for awhile that wouldn't come, and when i was ready to just go back home, a stranger said i'm lost where is the train station?


 and i Erin had cried countless days thinking about how i was so alone, and how no one would ever understand why, when i got an email from myself it seemed but as i read on i knew i did not write it, a tear fell down and i cried  I AM NOT alone!

Too late to turn around.

May 18 2008

What do you do when you have already drawn but you just realized that you forgot to load your weapon?

When you are already too deep in a thing to stop because you love where you are at but your heart is where you have been.

I can't get over the fact that a long time ago I may have messed a lot of things up. Now 3 years later, I am still bleeding from the wound. I tried the quick clot but it is quick and does not last.


May 18 2008
Serrated...notched like the blade of a saw.  I sit silent...for fear of being divulged once more.  My ground plan is to use the element of surprise...for it will surely stupefy all who contested to negate me in the previous days.  In an instant, I will turn.  Just like a dream, I will appear chimerical.  Certain eyes, they will see through my mischevious and magnificent masquerade.  Certain people, they will not.  Certain times, I will collapse.  Certain ones, they will catch me.  But no, NO.  I have apprehended them.  It is a fool's foul-up.  An unshakeable plan.  One that will not be repressed...will not be serrated.  I have the element of surprise under my belt.  Tucked away like a stolen diamond.  A treasure of superior value; a crime unexcused.  Strike, I will.  Soon, I will.  Monitor, you should.

Don't say so long...

May 18 2008

Don't say so long 

And throw the cell phone.


As soon as I heard that line I thought of Kaelynn.  Enjoy!

tight song and a question.

May 17 2008

I have a question. And please answer me.

What if you fall for someone that you have no chance with but you cant help yourself?

You guys know me. I'm not the kinda girl that falls for just anyone, now i might trip up a few times but never fall. I know i need to stand on my own two feet and i am....but i cant help but fall wishing he would catch me....

because she doesnt see herself like we all see her.

May 17 2008

she has nothing on me.

 why she is jealous is though beyond me.

i know shes amazing.

 but for a reason she's to be a cow grazing.

selfish pig, thatswhy i am your master.

 its not high heels that can get you there faster!

i think she'd be graced to know i think shes beautiful.

 but her little self confidence is ugliness to her OWN FACE,

 she doesnt see how when she walks in a room by her smile its a beautiful place,

if only she'd smile, and only if just for awhile.

she wears "woe is me" on her sleeve,

i want to slap her crazy til she can see.

 i wish i could show that amazing girl

thats the only reason why she has nothing on me.

 by erin for a friend

Hawaii grown

May 17 2008

okay so this guy is basically my hero

i want to start going to his youth groups and stuff

guarenteed he will be big one day

his voice is the shooties lol :) 

David Tamaoka/Cane Field Hero


add him on myspace listen to a few of his other songs


What do you expect me to do?

May 16 2008

I cannot kill if I never feel anger. 

I cannot fire my weapon if I don't have a target.

I cannot believe if I don't have something to believe in.

I cannot fight if I don't have something worth fighting for.

I cannot hold on if I have nothing to grab.

I cannot be moved if I have nothing pushing me.

I cannot tell the truth if I have reason to lie.


I cannot love if I have never loved myself.

What do you expect me to do?  

something i adore...

May 16 2008

 one thing i love ....

 it makes me respect people who have it..

 one thing i wish i just grab it and hold on to forever...

it starts with a p... & i bet you can guess it...

 yep, Its Persistance!!!!!:p

  those people who dont give up on people, or an idea or dream, and so much tells them they wont get what they want  but yet they push past that. i simply adore that. maybe its because most of us give up after awhile.

But those who wont take no,

when there's a possible yes later,

those who get the dreams they dream,

who get that one girl  or guy they have chased after for months,

the ones who made it to their goal by just hanging in.

 those are the people i admire , i respect... and sometimes there are dreams you have to let go, but most of the times its because we give up to easily....

 i adore persistance and maybe its because i have seen persistance in action,and then maybe its because i dont have enough of it either.



May 16 2008
i dont know the guy this is in memory of but its a tight song. its what i wish i had with my "dad".

hey hey hey

May 15 2008

WoW. Me life has been amaZingly amaZing! its really nice. Yeah there have been times i wanted to scream at a few people but thats normal (come on we are all human you cant lie and say you never wanted to scream at people. Even if it is the stupid people driving these days lol)

I've been busy but with things i enjoy and want to do :) so thats good, and school is pretty much out for me :) YAAaaaaAAA. What else is there....nothing really.

OH this summer is going to be all time!i have so much to do but its all for Jesus so its all good :P lol
I gots to go but text me if you want to hang out sometime :) :)

love ya

Song of the Week. "I've Got Friends In Low Places"

May 15 2008
So this is gotta be one of the funner songs to sing. Everyone one of the Dickson County High School Football team knows this song, or at least can sing a long with it in the locker room. I love country boys. Even the black guys on the team sing a long. Well so it might not be the best thing that he drinks his blues away. Oh well it is Garth Brooks so enjoy.


May 15 2008
with one simple gesture you can save a persons life.

indirect & direct

May 14 2008

so i have  thought of 10 problems i have to fix to be right with God... and one of them is fix my priorities.... i think that will be my number uno for what i spend my time on most is whats important to me. i told Austin about them ,

and he said my heart should be #1 ,

 and i told him the heart isn't fixed in a day,

and he said but when you fix that everything falls into place,

i told him but when i am tested, and trialed and fix my other problems on the list with the right mindset to fix them it would also change my heart. we are both right, And i learned 2 ways to fix my heart, 2 different outlooks on things.i like that, because austin tells me to directly fix

it, and i say it can be fixed indirectly.

 anyways, im going to be working really hard to get right with God, and it doesnt happen in a hour or a day, but there will be a difference in me, and i could be focused on other things, but why? when it all comes down to it its me & God & he promises me that if i trust him he will give me the desires of my heart, that's a pretty good deal to me.

well. i just wanted to share that, i know most of you won't even take the time to read this, but i just wanted to shar with you what's going on with me spiritually.


May 13 2008

People are always 'pro' this and 'anti''s really kinda annoying. Oppinions are cool, dont get me wrong, but do we really think that everybody wants to know? That's the problem with humanity, (and i'll admit i have this problem too, cause we all do) we act like everybody cares about how we look, what we do, what we say, and what we think; when in reality very few people (if any) even notice, much less care. I think this is one of the keys to self-confidence, and some people just cant wrap their mind around the fact that nobody is really worried over them. And that ties back to selfishness, another of humanity's big problems.



Humanity has a lot of problems

May 13 2008

Run to me and I'll run away with you.

Stay at my side, and never leave.

We can face the world together, and together put the world behind us.

Nothing can ever contain my love for you, no matter how large.

No person can ever take the place of you.

No emotion fill the space in my mind that your smile wholly consumes.

No where is too far for me to run.

If you're there, I'll defy gravity and all else just to be there.

I don't care what it takes.

To make my wish a reality, I'd go to the bottom of the deepest ocean, to the border of heaven, and back.

I, swear I will.

We can face the world together, and together put the world behind us.

Stay at my side, and never leave.

Run to me and I'll run away with you.

Follow You, Into the Dark

May 13 2008
Lyrical masterpiece. I love it.

I'm screaming, are you sure you didn't hear anything?

May 13 2008

try and voice your opinion.



did they hear you?


not a word.

I stop telling adults how I feel,

because they judge me.

I can't have feedom of expression

If they keep tearing me down.

"Let's be normal kids"

what's normality?


Representation of a certain crowd.


Coperate American.

Look like a the teenager they want us to,

uhm I prefer not.

I'll gauge my ears thank you.

I'll chop my hair, even if you mind.

And the more colors, the better.

I'll wear my facial peircings, even if I don't look good.

Looking good doesn't matter to me.

I feel good looking how I do.

because that's just me.

I can still worship God no matter how I look.

Would you deny a boy with Make up if he asked for a Bible?

Would you deny a girl with scars on her wrist if she asked about God?

That boy with make up would learn something.

That girl with scars could feel accepted.

But how would we know, I mean really.

But my opinion doesn't matter.

believe me, I've given all I have.

But it's not good enough.

it never is. 


May 13 2008

so yeah this is a pretty good song maybe some of you have heard of it before maybe not i think austin might be the only one idk

try to guess who its by


Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her
But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?


May 12 2008

so most of you are going to give me crap about this song if you say anything at all but if you can understand the words its pretty amazing just recently fell in love with this song

sorry there is no music video for this but i hope you enjoy "Im Content With Losing" by UnderOATH



May 12 2008

call me a silly girl,  but oh how swell it would be to play the butterfly.

but then in the dramatic metaphor i really am.

 & ill fly away but youll see me around.


May 12 2008

"You find no motivation

Inside this new love that you've found"


 Amazing song that rocks hard. Hope you like it


(//WARNING: Not for fragile ears\) 

i am not yours

May 11 2008
I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be.
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright.
Yet I am I, who long to be.
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love - put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Plunge me deep in love- put out my senses,

Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

I am not yours, not lost in you.

Sorry about Crying Thursday

May 11 2008

So I just wanted to say sorry about it,

some crap happend right before I got there and then it all hit me?

It was insane.

I hate to cry, I've done it often but I hate it.

Just thought I would let you know that's not something I planned on. 

just the girl

May 11 2008

I cant help but think of my best friend Erin when i listen to this song. this is my song to her.

" She's cold & she's cruel but she knows what she's doing...."



just kinda pondering

May 10 2008

okay so i have been contemplating on getting a few new things sure it wont be for a couple more years but it has definatly been on my mind

first of all i have been wanting one maybe two earings.  i dont know if i want them for sure but i have been thinking about it.  plus they wouldnt just be the kind where its one needle and thats it i would want it to stretch a little not like huge where i could put my finger through it but maybe just idk 2 centimeters in diameter okay that

and i have also kind of wanted a tatoo for a while.  i wouldnt get anyones name on my arm or anything like that but maybe something small on a shoulder blade where it wouldn be too noticeable. 


well thats about all that has been on my mind this morning so i guess i will talk you later :)


I can't believe...

May 09 2008

Wow. Love screws up EVERYTHING. Sometimes I wish the sexes were separated just to straighten things out. I'm gonna throw some rules out here that are true of all relationships:


1. How it begins=How it ends

2. Deal with your problems with your feelings for other people privately. Or at least not in front of the people it deals with.


Experience tells me that these hold true. I'm so tired of drama that results from "love".


<For The Love Of The Game> 


May 09 2008

so my last video deleted on me & i like this one anyways, this is my life's song, and sure notevery line is me but i find i can relate to a lot of them, just breathe.

"we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize,"

"You shout 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out"

"And these mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again"

" 2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to"

awesome video. amazing song. hope you like it.

Those Things.

May 09 2008
The things that go unsaid really never need to be, said that is.

hoo da buggah stay bad eh?

May 08 2008

aight so today was kinda blehh haha and i will tell you why


okay for the most part of the day it was amazing right but then after school 5 guys come and corner me and they usually come over just to make fun of me or some kinda crap like that so i was like oh great.  then they said so how was your first time? what was it like? and i said what are you guys talking about? then they were all ohh SO your a virgin???? then they started yelling hey everybody did you know that Tyler Lowery is a virgin?? and so yeah it kinda pissed me off.... alot especially since the majority of the guys themselves were virgins...


then later i was given some racial remarks about yeah me being white and stuff... another thing that pisses me off. 

so i said hey man why do you like to put me down just because im white? then his genious remark was "idk its just kinda fun i guess" (in a major chinese accent)  so i said huh wow i didnt know people found it fun to put other people down just because of your color.  ... funny thing is i am darker than him lol... well yeah that was my day i just left out some of the things i talked to the guy about



thats my day at HBA Hawaii Baptist Academy... sure sounds christian huh? lol


May 08 2008


May 08 2008
lol this is jordan.  he's so funny!!!  pretty cool

Everything Blends-Except Chuck Norris

May 08 2008
This is so totally hilarious.

Believe Me.

May 08 2008
Walking away is not running away. Is it?

Believe me when I tell you I would not blink.

I would just draw.

Believe me when I tell you I would not look back.

I would just keep running.

Believe me when I tell you I would not back down. 

I would stand and fight.

Believe me when I tell you I can not look in the mirror.

I would say it was because of you, and you.

Believe me when I tell you I can't believe the truth. 

I would but it hurts.

Believe me when I tell you I am not on her side.

I would be in hell.

Believe me when I tell you I can't take the pressure.

I would break.

Believe me when I tell you I can't run.

I would die.

Believe me when I tell you I am not sure this is better.

I would rather be alone.

Believe me when I tell you I can't take this.

I would say there are tears in my eyes.

Believe me when I tell you I can't admit the truth.

I would rather die.

No matter how much it would help all of us.  

you wont find me with my angel's wing

May 07 2008
You won’t find me, because ill be in fields in clover. But when you look in the valley, you won’t see my footsteps, Because I passed on to the flowing spring, I went on to better things. I take my time to climb up on mountains, but you are running just to catch up.

 You won’t find me.


Do you believe I will fly with angel’s wings?

  I will soar beyond all these things.

 Gravity… well, it doesn’t keep me on the ground,

  I don’t look like I am floating, but when you turn around…

 You can’t see it, and if i choose not believe it

I will be back in chains, no sense of hope will remain.


You won’t find me I will fly with angel’s wings.

ill be in fields in clover and I will soar beyond all these things.

you won’t see my footsteps they don’t proof me on the ground.

I passed on to the flowing spring I don’t look like I am floating.

I went on to better things. but when you turn around..

my time i climb up on mountains You can’t see it!

and if i choose not believe it you are running just to catch up.

You won’t find me no sense of hope will remain.

Song of the Week. "All These Things I Hate"

May 07 2008
So this song is pretty cool. You have to wait until the video starts though they have some advertisment crap at the beginging. Well please enjoy Bullet For My Valentine "All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)"

but it's cute!!!

May 06 2008 - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more here it do be grace

Ophelia Marie Gershwitz!

May 06 2008

period 1: Physical Science with CARDONA!!!!

period 2: wellness

period 3: English I Honors
period 4:  Choir
period 5:
period 6:
period 7:

People You Mostly Talked To During:
period 1: Deven or Rachel

period 2: Jennifer

period 3: Austin

period 4: Hallie or Rachel
period 5:
period 6:
period 7:


Random Questions:

Who was your favorite teacher?

Who annoyed you most during 3rd period?
Austin lol SHUT UP!!!!

Who did you sit with at lunch?
Keri Hallie Sarah Nathan Lindsey Jessica
Are you most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention?
not pay attention

Which class did you get the most homework?
i didn't have no homework today

Which class were you the most hyper?
that's hard to judge.  i stay hyper.

What was your favorite class?

Do you like lunch?
i take my lunch so yea

Do you like going to school?

Who sits behind you in Period 3?
the door!!!!

How many kids are in your Period 2?
uh 20 something

What teacher do you dislike the most?
Mr. Byrd

Can you talk in your 3rd period?
yes totally

Who sits next to you in 5th period?
i have none
Who sits in front of you in 6th?
ain't got one

Summarize your year in three words?
freakin dadgum awesome

What do you hope next year is gonna be like?
less stressful...AN ADVENTURE.

What do you hope will change next year?
my life.

Watch for me.

May 06 2008

You will only see me from the corner of your eye.

Watch for me.

I will not be as gentle as the ones who follow.

Watch for me.

I will not warn you as if a screaming idiot.

Watch for me.

I will not hide behind any objects of despetion.

Watch for me.

I will only do what I say.

Listen to me.

I do not fight for vengence.

Listen to me.

Make no mistake it is the reckoning I am after.

Listen to me. 

I have certain beliefs I preach peacfully.

Listen to me.

I have beliefs I up hold.

Feel me.

What happened?

I told you to watch from the corner of your eye.

Now you watch from the flat of your back. 




May 06 2008
I need not to wear my peace makers in a war.

You wish to oppose me?


Then stand tall and fight.

Do not go behind your cowardly ways.

You start to go against someone who is serisous

You will wish you didn't.


You go heels against me.

You have dropped your sheild.

You have nothing left besides what is on your hip.

So if you are not that coward, then throw down boy.


I don't need to go heels against a boy like you.

I will take my weapon off my hip.

I will lay it down on the ground.

Can't you see that I never really had anything.

Yet you pull your weapon out and load it with blanks.

I tell you now boy you should throw down

Before death faces you and is not as kind.


I have set my weapon down.

As I walk to you I see the men gater.

Out of the corner of my eye they follow me.

Everyone knows the cause of which I am fighting.

Everyone knows who is right.

How dare you threaten me when you are not ready to throw down.

I don't need to go heels against a boy like you.  

its over

May 05 2008

Dont worry by my silence i've had my say,

 you know what i think of you anyways.

 i'm not sure i can forgive you yet,

 though i will,

because i know standing in your rain will only get me wet.

 You've done this many times,

and like every other time you get yourself justified.

 But this time i tell you this,

 It's been over long! i'm done! this is my deepest wish.

 I seek no revenge, but i think somehow you'll get it.

   & i dont think you wouldnt deserve to fall in the pit.

i'm hurt but unlike many times before,

I have someone standing in front of me with his sword drawn at the door, he knows im in a battle worth fighting for.

 Thank God this could be the end of the war.



school...oh joy!

May 05 2008

period 1: World History

period 2: Creative Writing
period 3: Physical Science Honors
period 4: Writing Skills
period 5:
period 6:
period 7:

People You Mostly Talked To During:
period 1: Sydnee, Tyler, Maggie
period 2: Sydnee, Gen, Sam
period 3: Teddy, Keri, Batey
period 4: no one
period 5:
period 6:
period 7:


Random Questions:

Who was your favorite teacher?
today - no one

Who annoyed you most during 3rd period?

Who did you sit with at lunch?
Sydnee, Batey, Gorzny
Are you most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention?
not pay attention

Which class did you get the most homework?

Which class were you the most hyper?
creative writing

What was your favorite class?

Do you like lunch?
ugh, gross!

Do you like going to school?
To see my my friends.

Who sits behind you in Period 3?
Cardona's plants.

How many kids are in your Period 2?
Like 35 something.

What teacher do you dislike the most?
Mr. Trondsen grrr

Can you talk in your 3rd period?
we're technically not supposed to, but we do anyway

Who sits next to you in 5th period?
i don't have a 5th period
Who sits in front of you in 6th?
i don't have a 6th period

Summarize your year in three words?
lots of stress

What do you hope next year is gonna be like?
less stressful, more fun

What do you hope will change next year?
Have more classes with my friends.


May 05 2008
Ophelia Melody Garnizky (OMG)!!!!!!!!!! This is the official teaser trailer for the movie Twilight!!! I'm so beyond pumped.


May 05 2008

period 1: Bible
period 2: Biology
period 3: Literature
period 4: Spanish
period 5: Algebra
period 6: Art
period 7: Nothing


People You Mostly Talked To During:
Uhmm seeing i'm homeschooled...i would have to be talking to myself..
SO i dont talk to anyone during anything lol
period 1:
period 2:
period 3:
period 4:
period 5:
period 6:
period 7:

Random Questions:

Who was your favorite teacher?
Seeing i am my own teach i would have to say...ME

Who annoyed you most during 3rd period?
Uhmm i'm the only on in the class..

Who did you sit with at lunch?
Seth, sometimes Scooter if he is home....

Are you most likely to fall asleep or not pay attention?
I fall asleep all the time, but when i wake up i start right back up
where i left off.

Which class did you get the most homework?
they are pretty much the same

Which class were you the most hyper?
Probably Art

What was your favorite class?

Do you like lunch?
Yeah, its its good

Do you like going to school?
I dont GO anywhere but its not that bad i suppose

Who sits behind you in Period 3?
no one.

How many kids are in your Period 2?
uhmmm one

What teacher do you dislike the most?
seeing i am the ONLY teach and i dont really 'dislike' myself...i like
my teacher

Can you talk in your 3rd period?
I can talk whenever i want to

Who sits next to you in 5th period?
..sometimes my cat......

Who sits in front of you in 6th? one....

Summarize your year in three words?
oh so boring

What do you hope next year is gonna be like?
More fun

What do you hope will change next year?
I dont know.