meg m


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July 14 2006


i finally got life has been great recently christina came up and we had so much fun! her mom, sister, dad, brother, and her helped paint the sign out front for our restraunt they did a wonderful job! this summer i have not been doing much just trying to have fun!

i can not wait to see everyone!

miss u guys!

luv meg

Christina Ruth

July 14 2006

Christina Ruth

July 19 2006
hey! ur on! comment back! luv ya and of course, GOD BLESS! Nina

Christina Ruth

August 10 2006
A Freshman’s Survival Guide to Siegel High By: Christina Ruth Vehar, former Siegel High freshman student Introduction: “You’re a FRESHMAN!!!” So, you’re a freshman. From Kindergarten finger-painting and cute pigtails, to being a head-of-the-school 8th grader in middle school, you are now finally a freshman!!! Give yourself a pat on the back and a big congrats! You’ve made it through 9 years of school! (Unless of course you went to preschool…then it would be more…but you get the point. I’m a motivator…not a mind reader!) Even though you’re an underclassman, Siegel High School has many advantages! You get to wear flip-flops, you can eat anywhere in the school at lunch (EVEN OUTSIDE!!!) without being escorted by a teacher, and you finally make close friends who love you too much to start up stupid drama. Chaper 1: Basic Facts Here’s some things that you need to be SUR E to know before attending Siegel High. It’s spelled S-I-E-G-E-L! School colors= Navy Blue, Teal, and Silver/White School mascot=Stars Class names: 9th grade=Freshmen 10th grade=Sophomores 11th grade=Juniors 12th grade=Seniors Chapter 2: Lockers So, here’s the 4-1-1 on lockers. Here’s what ya need to know. READY??? Actually it’s not that much, but I like to build up dramatic effect. J So all you really need to know is that the BEST locker is the one that works for you! Just get an older student to look at your schedule and they can find the one that works the best so you won’t have to carry around your books all day. Cause believe me…you don’t want to do that. Oh, and on the FIRST day of school, be sure to bring $5 because at the end of the day you have to buy your locker if you want a good one. And be sure you get to the lobby (by the front entrance) quickly or else your mom will be waiting like a whole extra hour for you. OK, so for the inside of your locker… There’s all sorts of stuff you can do to change that boring, plain, old, and drab locker into something fab. Use stuff that you like to make it cute! School spirit colors or your favorite colors always work well as a base. Cute corkboards, dry-erase boards, and magnets turn your locker into something you’ll actually like. Don’t forget to display some pictures of your M-AZING friends! They’ll make you smile on a bad day. OH! And note catchers are REALLY awesome cause if you have a top locker…they could fall on the floor ending in major embarrassment if someone accidentally picks it up. OH NO! Chapter 3: Clubs Siegel High has a major assortment and diversity of clubs. Plus, they are a GREAT way to make new friends. As a former Siegel High student, I would suggest participating in at least one. They are SO much fun! Taking a language??? Every language has a club and does fun stuff on homecoming. Interested in leading the school? Student Council, or as the members call it, StuCo for short, helps and leads the school and does so many fun activities!! They get to help with EVERYTHING in homecoming…from shirt and theme ideas to pep rallies…this is one of the most fun clubs that Siegel offers. Worried about running 4 office? Start out small by running for representative. There are 5 spots per grade, so it’s easy to be elected! Got money skills? Next year run for treasurer! If you gain enough courage, try running for class prez! J FCA, aka Fellowship of Christian Athletes, is a GREAT way to meet other kids who are Christians like you. In world today that likes to separate church and state, FCA is a great way to learn more about GOD and meet new friends at school! There are so many more clubs to look into…so check out one today! Chapter 4: Homecoming Okay…411 on Homecoming. Actually not that much. In the fall there’s football homecoming, and in the winter, there’s basketball homecoming. Here’s when joining student council comes in: they get to pick the themes! They also get to sell the t-shirts (which generally run around $10-$12) and tickets for special themed events. In the fall, it’s the dance-off which consists of all grades represented by about 20 students each that make up a dance to compete with, and BMOC, or Big Man on Campus. That’s when Senior guys compete with a special talent to become the BMOC! In the winter, it’s the Lip-Sync contest. All the grades pick a group out of students and make up a combo of song and dance moves to lip-sync to. J Both are EXTREMELY funny! There are also dances for each…but don’t worry about having a date. It’s okay to go in a group! Oh, and the homecoming game is obviously, at home, and if you don’t go to at least one football/basketball game all season, I HIGHLY SUGGEST to go at least to the HOMECOMING one! Chapter 5: Friends So, how do you deal when one of your friends turns on you??? You shouldn’t have to, because high school is all about finding those friends who love you, NO MATTER WHAT! You shouldn’t have to change to fit in. Don’t try to…it can get ugly. They love you 4 who you are, think you are beautiful, BOOST your self-esteem, bless you by doing the small things, and are there to comfort you no matter what mood your in. Think it’s hard? Trust me…friends like these are rare. So when you find them, and TRULY KNOW that it’s them, hang on to them. :o) JUST B YOURSELF!!! Chapter 6: Guys Yeah, so a lot of girls obsess over guys and stuff in high school and are like, “I HAVE to have a boyfriend!!!” Whatever! Girl, that’s NOT what high school’s about. Yeah, the time may come when the right guys comes along and he actually is your boyfriend. But please. Do us a favor and don’t obsess like the tons of other girls, about guys. It’s not worth it, and it can get ugly. Trust me, I’ve seen it. Girls being mean to their friends for NO reason, drawing away from God, it’s just not good. And it’s just not worth it. Chapter 7: GOD Sometimes, it’s hard to see people acting Christ-like when they’re at school. The best advice? Act Godly NO MATTER WHERE you are! When you show people that you believe in God and are walking in His light all the time, you encourage them to do the same. This will cause a big circle, ending in people doing it all the time. Just trust God in everything you do. He will ALWAYS be there for you!!! Chapter 8: Teachers Heard ugly rumors about that teacher??? Well, you can’t believe everything you hear, now can you? Often, upperclassmen try to scare underclassmen with horrible rumors of teachers being mean, blah, blah, blah. Okay, and sometimes, they might be somewhat true. But before you judge a teacher, or anyone else, give them the benefit of the doubt. They may just turn out to be the BEST teacher that you ever had! But, if a teacher is negative towards you in any way, you need to tell someone. Tell a parent first, and have them help you get involved with the freshmen principal. Chapter 9: Underclassmen, Upperclassmen Rivalry, besides just playful, between upperclassmen (juniors and seniors), and underclassmen (freshmen and sophomores), is highly uncommon at Siegel. If someone does pick on you though in a negative way, tell a parent AND the freshmen principal. Upperclassmen are generally nice, and don’t mind helping you out or offering you tips or advice. All you gotta do is ask! :o) Chapter 10: Shortcuts The first week of school, it’s hard to find your way around in such a BIG school! But no worries! After about 1 week, you’ll start knowing and remembering where your classes are. After about 2 weeks, you’ll start finding shortcuts (if you haven’t already) that can save you some MAJOR potty break time! And in a couple weeks after that, you’ll know that school like the back of your hand. Where EVERY bathroom, hallway, EVERYTHING…is. :o) By your sophomore year, if not earlier, people will be asking YOU where stuff is! How cool is that??? Still having trouble??? Just ask an upperclassmen or a teacher. That’s what they’re there for!!! Chapter 11: Lunch So lunch at Siegel’s pretty cool. I mean, you get to eat outside by the pretty new fountain, you can eat in the hallways, in teacher’s rooms (if they let you) and in the caf. Friends not in your lunch? Don’t fret! It’s the perfect opportunity to make new ones! :o) They may just turn out to be your BEST FRIENDS!!! *Okay, so that’s the end of my survival guide. But the best thing you can do after ALL of this advice is to just BE YOURSELF! If you love God, and don’t care what anyone thinks about you, then that, my friend, is the BEST quality you can have, and the BEST way to have people look up to you. Even…upperclassmen. :oP That is the BEST advice I could EVER give someone about high school.*