Live 8

July 02 2005
I've been watching Live 8 all day so's really great seeing celebrities trying to make the world better finally.

I hope the G8 leaders decide to forgive Africa of their debts.Man..that would be so awesome to witness.

Every three seconds,a child dies in Africa.That really gives me a new perspective on my life.I really do take things for granted, like knowing that there is always a doctor I can go to if I get sick.Wow..that'


June 28 2005
Why is it,that when everything seems to finally be going right,something comes along and SCREWS UP all of your plans?

Ya see, Me,Melissa,Kate,Laura,Ashley,Patrick,Kai, and John were all going to go to Kid's Castle on Saturday for the WHOLE DAY, but now Laura's uncle's coming into town on Thursday so Laura will only get to see Kai for a day(he's been in Nova Scotia for the past 3 weeks)until the,Laura's not going to be able to come.John might not be back in town yet.



June 27 2005
Yea..So I'm new here.I will probably use this as a place for ideas for entries on my xanga.Yep.