shivering in my boots

August 09 2005
i think i just endured the scariest thing that has ever happened to little suzanne.
ok, here's how it went "down." haha ok i was home alone, and this guy rang the doorbell. and like any smart 13 year old girl would do, i didn't answer it. so i watched him through the blinds and he just kinda stood in front of my house. then, he went and sat in his car for like 10 mintues. i was sooooo terrified. and then FINALLY he left, and i got a hold of my mom, and he was the door measuring person. so yeah all that adventure for nada. haha ok well just thought y'all would like to know that...


shawn hooper

August 09 2005
Dooorkk! By the way I absolutely love that picture!

*Justine Mettler

August 09 2005
ahw you and shawnie.. hah crazy story!


August 10 2005
ahahahah you're hilarious suzanne. that's what I love about you though :]