early *yawns*

July 07 2005
woke up just to have time to write this entry.

I am leaving today :] yayayayayayayay.
I stayed up allll night with tiffany
because I was too excited to sleep.
well we might have squeezed in 3 hours of sleep
but hey! we have a whole 6 hour van trip to sleep haha.

I love ohio
I love rollercoasters
I love pecans
I love my relienkt k c.d
I love my wondeful, faithful mp3 player
I love toooooooooooooby mac
I also love yall & will miss you very very much.

have fun without meeeee. be back sometime saturday.

Jamison, haha lariesa

I love you && that's what you are getting your self into.


July 07 2005
hope u have tons of fun!


July 08 2005
hope yall have fun

Donald Allen

July 09 2005
I'M BACK!!!!