war of the worlds, boys, & boys

June 30 2005
well the movie went quite well. I thought it was amazing. so I suggest you go see it :] it's one of those movies I'd see twice in theater. tom cruise is hott. even for a fourty something year old man. he is hott. haha so was the guy who played his son. -sighs- anyways if you want to know what I am talking about just go see the movie haha.

tiffany stayed the night. she is still here, sleeping haha. we stayed up until 4 & someone called at like 8:30 so I had to get up. I'm one of those people you cant fall back alseep so now I'm here typing this. :/ buuut we had fun. we watch -big fish- & -fear dot com- which was a little weird but cool at the same time lol. then we talked about boys, that's what we usually do. trying to make up our minds about things, trying to figues out why. I mean I dont understand myself when it come to boys. haha it's weird. but anyways, some of the things we talked about was hilarious. I had a great time "deep" talking about alot of things. I feel relieved now.

well I'll let ya go for now. I might come back later if me & tiffany go do something horribly stupid haha.

I love you.

Nathan Moore

June 30 2005
i still need to go see that movie...


June 30 2005
I had 2 miss the movie:[ i realy wanted 2 go but o well!we realy do need 2 do sumthin sumtime though!!welll ttyl bye pat


June 30 2005
i know..but theres nothing to update about:-p

Rachael Moore

June 30 2005
i may be seeing that movie today.


June 30 2005
glad u had fun... and u need to straightent ur girl tiffany out... lol take care and keep smiling


June 30 2005
okay you are the first person that i know that wouldn't be creeped out by me if i said tom cruise IS hot. go jamie!


July 01 2005
OoO..well i was jw..he is kinda cute :)