dancing in the rain, 2nd grade crushes, & getting in trouble?

June 29 2005
haha well I didnt get to go to the pool because it rained like there was NO tomorrow :/ but I stood out in the rain because it felt good. this is the 2nd time in a row that has happened. darn you sports com! haha but I came home & talked to people on aim mostly. yes I know, "how exciting". anyways one of those people was this guy that I met on phusebox which turned out to be my 2nd/3rd grade crush. hahah we rode the bus together. imagine that. but I like him, he's awesome. pretty sweet guy ;]

today I am going to my friend Tiffany's house, yesss I mean I dont think I have been anywhere but my best friend Claire's house this summer which isnt bad because no one can beat staying with claire. but I am also going to the movies to hopefully see, if it isnt sold out, war of the worlds. but if not we can always watch something else. correct? well it'll still be fun considering like 10-12 people are coming along with us. then I'm going to my awesome church. :] and tiffany is coming home with me afterward & staying the night. I wonder what kind of trouble we'll get in this time? hahah

well I hope your summer has been amazing. have a wonderful day you guys!

I love you,


June 29 2005
standing in the pouring rain... i love that... oh and dont worry about being sassy with me... i liked it... lol... have fun at the movies... and yes u need to spend time with tiffany and straighten her out... lol... take care and keep smiling


June 29 2005
hey whats up


June 29 2005
war of the worlds was amazing. haha i had a blast, thanks for inviting me :D have fun with tiff.