el love poem

June 27 2005
slowly, my heart is bleeding
from all your staggering words
my mind is so clouded
by all the hate & the hurt
between us there used to be so much love
what happened? where did it all go?
you left me here to cry
with my head in my hands
as the days go by
I drown my self in my sorrows
lying on the floor
crying, until there is nothing left to cry
repeating in a whisper to myself
"please come back, forgive me for whatever I did,
for whatever bruise I might have left on your heart"
I'll pick up every piece, if you give me a new start
first loves are always quite dramatic
oh the tragedy it causes me
I cant get you out of my head
or even my heart
I dream about you
at night & in the day
broken & bent
only you darling, can make it straight
my life in incomplete if you arent the one
to make everything okay...

okay okay, I did write this.
I do alot of writing, I have for awhile.
It get my emotions out all at once
so then I wont have to explode & take it
out on people :] ya know?


June 27 2005
yes, yes clap for me :)


June 27 2005
bahumbug. i thought i commented? oh well. anyway. haha, "my comments" on my pictures.. they're intersting, i guess. my mom is pretttty, heh

Nathan Moore

June 28 2005