i cant complian about much

April 04 2006

ok so i cant really complain about the past few days. today was ok. i didnt really do much. i went to school an my teachers really didnt give me anything challenging to do. and after school i went to the tanning bed and then to law explorers. and then to work for about 30 min. just tp help out. and then i went to cvs and the guy that was at the cash register was hitting on me. lol but hey i must admit he was hot!!! then yeah i came home.

oh yeah today ask an i wore the same kind of shirt and ppl were like yall planned this and we really didn't. but it was cool we were twins for a day!!!!!yeah and i got to see sgt sexton too!!!!

well anyways, amanda wont be able to be in jrotc next yr........oh well, i wont be in it either next yr. at least she an i will still work in the nursery together!!!!!

well that about does it


luv lisa

p.s. ~ if ur goin on the band trip be safe and all and have a ton of fun!!! see u when u get back!!!!!

Sarah Vermillion

April 04 2006
tanning bed = cancer box<br><br>Shame on you. :p