kaitlin gay
my Jesus, deep conversations, volleyball, having fun, black and white pictures, art, coloring books, laughing, scrapbooking, sewing, my sisters, friends, laying out, running, waffle house at 3 AM, looking at the stars, old movies, being crazy with my friends, anything creative, bubble baths, flip flops, anything vintage, big earings, romantic things make me MELT, i love playing in the rain and snow♥, but the beach is my favorite place.. ever
Favorite Music
country is my favorite.. and Rascal Flatts are the best!, im starting to like 80's!!, but honestly-i like anything except hardcore-death-screaming music
Favorite Movies
a walk to remember and cinderella are my favorites, disney movies are the best (when im in the mood for them).. i love cuddling up and watching a movie late at night or when its raining =), action/war movies are pretty good, scary movies are fun!! (ha..), but romantic ones are the best
Favorite Books
i love reading when im in the mood to.. the bible is my favorite, followed by mostly anything
Other Websites
September 13 2006
life is good =)
September 15 2006
Hey Hey Hey see the girl with her arms spread out ya shes my best friend yay!!! I love her!!! Her name is kaitlin gay and she rocks my world!!!
September 21 2006
Ur my girl. I can always count on you. I miss you like the dickens lol come over and we'll eat some banana pudding lol hahaha wow i'm feelin random. Well I love you girl and thanks for the comment. Have an awesome day and week and life lol love ya girl.
Garrett Haynes
October 04 2006
yeah i'm sorry that u had to miss because of volleyball, buddy. But we'll go back next summer, and u better go next time. It's too good to pass up twice.
Garrett Haynes
October 06 2006
i know my darlin friend. Life, just isn't fair. I'll call u tonight = p
October 09 2006
Girl you should go back and read what matt wrote its really good and it could make you think and girl you just need to read it everybody does. Everybody should read what he wrote cause we are being blinded by things that arent good. Please go and read it.
caroline gay
October 11 2006
ummmmmm...........ya by the way you are not really above being a dork yourself!