one weekend 2006

February 26 2006

alright, to start off this blog-this weekend was incredible. all of the freshman girls, i felt, bonded. my prayer has been for unity, and this weekend was definately one step closer in that direction.

on friday night, our quiet time was awesome. we wrote down something that we wanted to get out of the weekend, and something that was holding us back from Christ, then tied the index card to a balloon and let it go outside... my prayer was for my worship and my everything to be focused on Him. no distractions. i sometimes get caught up in the world and how my worship looks, but this weekend (and from now on..) i wanted it to be pure and totally Him.

so before each time that we went into a rally, worship, or a bible study-i asked God to take away everything of this world and let it be a true experience, just me and Him. and boy did He work!! its so amazing how if we do ask, we recieve!--Luke 11:10... i felt like when we went into worship-it was just me and God-no one else. it was an overwhelming feeling!! i felt like God was right next to me, so i poured out my heart to Him.

when we we sing song of the redeemed and repeat.. "we are yours" .. it gives me chills! im HIS! He is my daddy, and im His daughter.
Psalm 11:3B "He made us, and we are His. We are his people, the sheep of His pasture."

so, my prayer for all of yall is to dig deep in the word. ive also found this weekend that i can not KNOW Christ, if i dont know the word. i am to saturate myself in the word, so when tough situations come-i can fight the devil with scripture. i hope that all of yall that went to one weekend, got some good stuff out of it. i hope that Christ spoke in big ways!! i know that He did for me. have an amazing week!

"cause i know my Gods saved the day,
and i know His word never fails.
and i know my Gods made a way for me
its gunna be alright."


February 26 2006
it was very nice. our group was also surprisingly open. everybody. and i'm glad. : ]


February 26 2006
John Barron Loves Kaitlin Gay more!


February 26 2006
John loves kaitlin times infiniti

Garrett Haynes

February 26 2006
Me = not amazing. Christ = Amazing. Me + Christ = All things possible. Be blessed. ~Garrett


February 27 2006
i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be blessed

Garrett Haynes

March 01 2006
I love my little red headed freshman friend.