
October 24 2005
 My parents are making me crazy!!! They think they can control every move I make!!!!! I told them that The Judgement was gonna run until about 12 p.m. and they freaked out!!! I guess they don't realize that people's eternal lives are in danger!!! I have got to get out of there!!!!! I CANNOT stand to live there anymore...they are way to protective!!! They think i should be home every night by at least 9...that is bullcrap!!! I am college student now, they have to realize it!!!! I am so angry right now!!!!

Becca Hicks

October 30 2005
i can tell from all the exclamation marks...lol... you'll get out of there soon, and then you'll probably only miss not having to pay a bill for it... well, you were awesome in the judgement, and i hope to see you soon. love you


October 31 2005
hey amy yall all are doing a great job one more night !i will be pray for all of yall ttyl keep smile !