
November 14 2005
This was taken from my best friend's xanga (i know, i know)

I am in awe of Jesus' patience with me. He is so totally other from me, so much bigger, and better. Better isn't even the right word because it implies a scale on which we can move up. I can never work up to his level. He's just so different from us in the best way possible. I can't believe His patience. And yet, I know what it is to be caught up and "fallen" for someone. That it doesn't matter what they may do, it just doesn't matter. You think you're angry and have your right to be frustrated. But one subtle smile and your heart melts and it's just all worth it.

To know that Jesus wants my heart, is pursuing and is drawn to me. It's just astounding. I can only continually say, "Rescue me into You and overcome me. You wash over me and flood my defenses. Make me more and more into a lover and knower of You."

Everytime I read his journal, it's just like the breath of God is whispering his love into my ear...if you want to read more of his stuff... Here is Anthony's Journal