chasidi went to branson.

June 10 2005
i'm pretty much living alone for the next month. it's really nice most of the time, but i discovered a problem recently. see, during the school year, our friend grant had been cutting our grass for us. well he's now home for the summer, and being the only one at the house, that responsiblity now falls on me. the problem? i've never cut grass before. i tried once when i was younger, a lot younger, but i couldn't push the lawn mower. it was kinda sad for me. i ended up with a horrible sense of failure. i cried. that's a lie, but i did try once and i couldn't do it. so anyway, i decided that i had to overcome this whole grass cutting thing, and this morning i conquered the yard! oh yes, i cut our entire yard, front and back, like a CHAMP! i must say that i'm pretty proud of myself. go me!

Carla Simpson

June 10 2005
haha dork!


June 10 2005
hey, i'm impressed!

Nathan Moore

June 10 2005

Michael Patterson

June 11 2005
awwww, my special little girl( i'm a little choked up at the moment) YEA! you are finally tall enough to cut the grass, but don't let the secret out, you'll have to cut it all the time. thats what my parents did to me

Nathan Moore

June 18 2005
where did you go?


June 18 2005
i am ready for you to update