oh the rain.....

June 02 2005
oh how i love thundetstorms. they are just so relaxing and peaceful to me. i hope it is still storming when i go to bed tonight. falling asleep to a thunderstorm might be one of my favorite things. it's fantastic. that is, until the power goes out and you cannot see anything. and then lots of trees start falling down all over the place. and you cannot see to drive anywhere. and then the sound of rain makes you have to use the restroom, but that's kinda hard cause the power is still out so you still cannot see anything. and let's not forget the next morning when you realize that you're the genius that left her car window down all night. yeah, when stuff like that happens, thunderstorms are no longer fun. but until that point, i love them!

Nathan Moore

June 02 2005
i know the feeling of falling asleep with it thunderstorming outside... nice.

Carla Simpson

June 02 2005
haha yeah well it might help if you rolled your windows up....;)

Nathan Moore

June 06 2005
great movies!!!


June 06 2005